At 01:07 PM 6/6/2001, Dirk Müller wrote: >Hallo! > >I hope you can help me! I need for run an programm under Win98 the Cygwin >programm! I download this from your homepage. This programm what I use look >for the cygwin.dll in the programm Cygwin. But this file dont exist. It >exist the file cygwin1.dll . What version of Cygwin has the cygwin.dll and >where i get it! What is the 1 behind the cygwin?? Can you help me so fast it >is possibl. > >Sorry for my bad englisch! Unless the program you need to run furnishes the Cygwin DLL it requires along with its source, its in violation of the GPL. You need to speak to the distributor of the program about this, not this list. Larry Hall RFK Partners, Inc. 118 Washington Street (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office Holliston, MA 01746 (508) 893-9889 - FAX -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Check out: