My favorite testcase (building OOo) started hanging again. (Un?-)fortunately not on one of my systems and we also didn't manage to reproduce with a reduced testcase. But the problem generally is: In a tcsh shell (2980) start a perl script (3012) that starts a cygwin program (a make clone) (3016) that starts a command in a tcsh. Now the fun part begins, the started tcsh command is (should be) just "/usr/bin/tcsh -fc pwd" (3736) but there is another process started by this process (3176) that "/usr/bin/tcsh -fc pwd" (3176) has exactly the same command and that appears to hang. Below you see the output of a ps command: PID PPID PGID WINPID TTY UID STIME COMMAND 3772 1 3772 3772 con 11290 18:59:34 /usr/bin/bash 2980 3772 2980 3124 con 11290 18:59:39 /usr/bin/tcsh 3616 1 3616 3616 con 11290 19:10:02 /usr/bin/bash 3452 3616 3452 444 con 11290 19:10:07 /usr/bin/tcsh 3012 2980 3012 3912 con 11290 18:10:56 /usr/bin/perl 3016 3012 3012 3916 con 11290 18:37:01 /cygdrive/e/work/OOo/SRC680_m124/solenv/wntmsci10/bin/dmake 3736 3016 3012 3392 con 11290 18:37:01 /usr/bin/tcsh 3176 3736 3012 3176 con 11290 18:37:01 /usr/bin/tcsh 3804 3452 3804 3196 con 11290 18:40:17 /usr/bin/ps Attached you find the output of a "cat /proc//*" for the two pids. But now the *really* strange part begins: You can break the hang by doing "ls /proc/3176/fd" !? and the build continues (until the next hang). Sorry, we're unable to create a reduced testcase but we thought the strange symptoms might help pinpoint the problem. Attached you also find the cygcheck output of that system. I hope this helps a little bit, Volker -- PGP/GPG key (ID: 0x9F8A785D) available from key-fingerprint 550D F17E B082 A3E9 F913 9E53 3D35 C9BA 9F8A 785D