Christopher Faylor wrote: > The latest snapshot is chock full of developer goodness and needs to > be tested. > > Both Corinna and I spent a lot of time trying to track down the reported > fork() problems. We didn't fix them* but this snapshot contains better > fork error reporting. Sorry for always being a bit late but testing my favorite testcase takes a while. Basically we see the same problem as in . (This is with 20050929) The build hangs in a tcsh command like: PID PPID PGID WINPID TTY UID STIME COMMAND 3968 1 3968 3968 con 11290 20:18:06 /usr/bin/bash 556 3968 556 3436 con 11290 20:18:15 /usr/bin/tcsh 2880 556 2880 340 con 11290 20:18:51 /usr/bin/perl 3944 2880 2880 2644 con 11290 12:25:33 /cygdrive/e/work/OOo/SRC680_m124/solenv/wntmsci10/bin/dmake 4020 3944 2880 2620 con 11290 12:25:33 /usr/bin/tcsh 2296 4020 2880 2296 con 11290 12:25:33 /usr/bin/tcsh 3992 1 3992 3992 con 11290 12:41:26 /usr/bin/bash 776 3992 776 3368 con 11290 12:41:49 /usr/bin/ps And by attaching strace to the hung pid and using "ls /proc/*/fd" the attached (behind the cygcheck.log) strace was created. We tried "kill -s CONT " this time, that didn't work, the ls did. Volker P.S.: We (?) will try the next snapshot ASAP, unfortunately this means in this case on the next weekday (monday). -- PGP/GPG key (ID: 0x9F8A785D) available from key-fingerprint 550D F17E B082 A3E9 F913 9E53 3D35 C9BA 9F8A 785D