>>> Too bad. Since I can't duplicate the problem it will be difficult to >>> fix it. >> Have you tried running the examples I provided in my original post >> (with foo = ~ 5MB text file) on a DOS shell (cmd.exe)? > Yes. That's what I meant by "I can't duplicate the problem". Just ran current snapshot cygwin-inst-20081220 on a different computer running a different OS: Windows XP Home sp2 32 bit on NTFS. See attached output from cygcheck. Both this and the previous computer have Athlon XP+ CPUs. Running a DOS window (cmd.exe) with Example 1 of my original post tr \32 \0 < foo | tr \0 \32 > bar using the same input file foo attached to my previous post gives: foo = 5,138,895 bytes bar = 5,132,288 bytes I ran the test twice and got identical output. Moreover, (output) bar on this computer was identical to (output) bar1 (attached to my previous post) obtained on the other computer (running Windows Server 2003 sp2 32 bit on NTFS.) With identical output I mean binary identical, not just identical file size. Thus, there is some consistency to this bug even between different computers running different versions of Windows. Not complete consistency though, as noted in my previous post: sometimes output was bar2 not bar1. And on some runs the bug doesn't appear at all, and output size = input size. Greetings, Lawrence