I had been using cygwin for years but had not upgraded for over a year so I decided to upgrade this weekend and did so. There were no errors or complaints during the upgrade process and I used all of the default settings in the dialogs. My cygwin environment is no longer functional after the upgrade and I have not been able to make any progress in fixing it. As directed, I've attached a copy of the output from the cygcheck program to this email. Main symptoms: 1) My shortcut for starting an xterm window no longer works correctly. When I use it, I get a window with all the proper looking decorations. It has a title of "xterm" but there is a new menu bar with 3 items in it: "Main Options", "VT Options", "VT Fonts". These look like items in the VT-100 windows mode that used to be invoked via the ctrl- shortcuts. I can select items from these menus and all 3 pop down and appear to work normally. In the text portion of the window, I have a prompt which is not what I used to have. The main problem with this window is that it is completely unresponsive to the keyboard and mouse in the text portion of the window. Typing in this area does not echo and no commands are executed. This is completely dead. If I select "Main Options/Send INT signal" it appears to work and I get a new line of text in the text portion of the window with another prompt but I still cannot type anything in the window. 2) Starting a window via the "xterm" item that is in the "start/programs/cygwin/start bash shell" menu results in a window that appears the same as my windows before the upgrade. I can type and execute commands in this window. However, there are numerous messages in the window at startup complaining about not being able to set my PATH variable. I can't easily send you these because the mouse cut/paste does not work in this window. It's looking for items in the /cygdrive/c directory that don't exist such as WINNT (I'm running XP Pro which has a WINDOWS directory) and so forth. The main problem is that the foreground font is yellow in color on a white background and almost impossible to read. None of the mouse buttons seem to work in this window so I cannot highlight areas to try to read them. I tried changing the window properties (by right-clicking in the title bar and selecting "properties") to black text on a white background. That appeared to work but if I open the same dialog again, the text is set to yellow again. I tried changing the current window properties and the global defaults with the same results and any new windows that I start revert to the yellow text again. I realize that all this appears to be X related and I initially thought about posting this on the cygwin-xfree mailing list but I did not do that because I think there is something more fundamental wrong here. Even though my "PATH" variable looks reasonable, I think the problems I'm having are related to the funny directories that the system is trying to add to my PATH with I start a window. I have tried renaming my ".login", ".cshrc" (I normally run tcsh as my shell), and ".Xdefaults" files with no change in behavior. I'm an experienced Unix/Linux developer and can help if you tell me where to look. Thank you, Don