According to Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] on 12/31/2008 2:29 PM: [sorry for my delay in replying] > `sort -n' and `sort -g' work inconsistently with 0 and -0 if there are leading spaces. Sometimes -0 is before 0, as I would expect, and sometimes it is afterwards. Adding `-b' does not seem to help. > > Is this where I should report it or should I go upstream? If it were a bug, it would be an upstream issue (I reproduced your test cases on Linux). But it is not a bug; sort is behaving as documented. > $ echo 0 -1 -0 1 | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -e '/^.$/s/^/ /' | sort -n > -1 > 0 > -0 > 1 sort -n sorts the entire line based on numeric value (0 and -0 have the same value), then breaks ties based on byte-wise values (' ' comes before '-'). > $ echo 0 -1 -0 1 | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -e '/^.$/s/^/ /' | sort -g > -1 > 0 > -0 > 1 sort -g is slower than sort -n, because it converts to floating point; and although -0.0 and +0.0 are distinct bit patterns, they still sort equal, so you ware once again back to the fallback of bytewise comparison to break ties (and ' ' still comes before '-'). Use sort -u to see that 0 and -0 sort numerically equal, and thus why a fallback sort must be attempted. $ echo 0 -1 -0 1 | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -e '/^.$/s/^/ /' | sort -nu -1 0 1 Or, go one better - use two sort keys. Make the primary key sort numerically, and the second sort key break ties in favor of '-': $ echo 0 -1 -0 1 | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -e '/^.$/s/^/ /' | sort -k1,1n -k1r -1 -0 0 1 -- Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well! Eric Blake volunteer cygwin coreutils maintainer