When I try 'man grep' I get the following. /bin/cat: not found /usr/bin/tbl: not found /usr/bin/nroff: not found /usr/bin/less: not found Error executing formatting or display command. System command (cd /usr/man && (echo ".pl 1100i"; /bin/cat '/usr/man/man1/grep.1 '; echo; echo ".pl \n(nlu+10") | /usr/bin/tbl | /usr/bin/nroff -c -mandoc | /usr/bin/less -isrR) exited with status 32512. No manual entry for grep and ' man -w grep' produces /usr/man/man1/grep.1 output of 'man -D grep' and 'cygcheck -svr' attached. NB it fails as above for any man foo where foo should have a man page. Man foo where foo has no page returns 'No manual entry for foo' correctly. regards, Bill Hughes <> <>