@ECHO OFF REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM batch file to automate setup of Cygwin from the command line SETLOCAL FOR /F %%D in ("%CD%") DO SET DRIVE=%%~dD SET DFLTSITE=http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/cygwin/ SET DFLTLOCALDIR=%CD%/download SET DFLTROOTDIR=%DRIVE%/cygwinTest SET SITE=-s %DFLTSITE% SET LOCALDIR=-l %DFLTLOCALDIR% SET ROOTDIR=-R %DFLTROOTDIR% REM -------------------------------------------------------------- REM Here's where I keep track of which packages I've loaded for REM different types of work REM C development: gcc4-core make readline SET PACKAGES=-P gcc4-core,make,readline REM General : diffutils ctags SET PACKAGES=%PACKAGES%,diffutils,ctags REM Packaging : cygport SET PACKAGES=%PACKAGES%,cygport setup -q -n -D -L %SITE% %LOCALDIR% %PACKAGES% ECHO Cygwin installation is updated REM -------------------------------------------------------------- ENDLOCAL EXIT /B 0