Hello, I have come across an issue in setup where certain Cygwin components are listed and, if selected, cause setup to crash. This is something that I do not recall experiencing with previous versions of setup. However, I am unaware of when this actually first started. A cursory search of the mailing list does not yield anything related to this particular issue. Details: - Host OS is Windows 7, 64bit - setup.exe v2.774 - I had previously selected "Download Without Installing" and saved many packages locally (my usual method for years) without issue. This was done fresh on 9/15/2012. - ran setup to "Install from Local Directory" - toggle the "Default" to "Install" for all the previously downloaded packages - Now, examine the X11 section and observe that the end of this listing includes many items listed as "Skip". For example, x2x, Xaw3d, mkcfm, and proxymngr to name a few. - Attempt to toggle the "Skip" to determine what the package size is and whether or not it is a binary or source, then setup.exe crashes. Note that this is not isolated to the X11 category. There is a smattering of other packages throughout the listing which instigate the same result. As an additional aid, I have included a bzipped PDF file which shows all of the above. By the way, it appears that at least some of these are listed in setup.ini without any "Install" or "Source" line (perhaps all are listed in this way; I did not check for this). While I could employ a work-around (e.g., modify the setup.ini file to remove the offending entries after each download), I much prefer a more permanent solution. Is this enough detail where someone can reproduce the problem and incorporate a fix? Please note, that setup.exe otherwise operates fine and installs the other selected packages (provided that none of these "Skip" packages are touched). My thanks goes out to the entire Cygwin team for their tireless effort! Kind regards, Ken