On 6/4/2015 3:18 AM, Wayne Pollock wrote: > The description section of the strftime man page is > garbled. The first paragraph shows as this: > > ============================= > > into a null-terminated string, starting at S and occupying no more than > MAXSIZE characters. > > You control the format of the output using the string at FORMAT. > literally into the formatted string, and > time conversion specifications. Time conversion specifications are two- and > three-character sequences begin‐ > ning with ''%'' (use ''%%'' to include a percent sign in the output). Each > defined conversion specification > selects only the specified field(s) of calendar time data from '*TIMP', and > converts it to a string in one of > the following ways: > > ============================ > > In addition, none of the option letters show, only the > option descriptions. The info node at > "info libc timefns strftime" appears to be fine. > > I have cygwin-doc version 1.7.35-1. > (I have a locale of C.UTF-8, if it matters.) > Works fine for me, I have a complete man page see attached. looks at the output of man -d strftime for any hint. Regards Marco