Updated all cygwin packages to current versions, installed httpd 2.4.16-1. On startup httpd segfaults: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=65DC5D78 eax=8004E028 ebx=00000001 ecx=00000000 edx=8004DFF0 esi=80014490 edi=80016498 ebp=0028CC78 esp=0028CB5C program=C:\cygwin\usr\sbin\httpd.exe, pid 25500, thread main cs=0023 ds=002B es=002B fs=0053 gs=002B ss=002B Stack trace: Frame Function Args 0028CC78 65DC5D78 (00000003, 0028CC9C, 80010100, 00000020) 0028CD28 6100846A (00000000, 0028CD84, 610074F0, 00000000) End of stack trace The log contains the following: [Sun Jul 26 16:59:15.693980 2015] [core:emerg] [pid 19552] (88)Function not implemented: AH00023: Couldn't create the proxy mutex [Sun Jul 26 16:59:15.693980 2015] [proxy:crit] [pid 19552] (88)Function not implemented: AH02478: failed to create proxy mutex AH00016: Configuration Failed Google turned up one other question citing the same symptoms, but on a Chinese website, no answers so far. cygcheck.out attached Suggestions on how to troubleshoot? I can provide an strace output (67k lines, 460kB gzipped) if desired. -- Jim Garrison (jhg@acm.org) PGP Keys at http://www.jhmg.net RSA 0x04B73B7F DH 0x70738D88