--- Process 5412 created --- Process 5412 loaded C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll at 00000000777a0000 --- Process 5412 loaded C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll at 0000000077580000 --- Process 5412 loaded C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll at 000007fefda30000 --- Process 5412 loaded C:\bin\cygwin1.dll at 0000000180040000 --- Process 5412 loaded C:\bin\cygiconv-2.dll at 00000003de340000 --- Process 5412 loaded C:\bin\cygintl-8.dll at 00000003d53c0000 0 0 [main] tar (5412) ********************************************** 127 127 [main] tar (5412) Program name: C:\bin\tar.exe (windows pid 5412) 45 172 [main] tar (5412) OS version: Windows NT-6.1 32 204 [main] tar (5412) ********************************************** --- Process 5412 loaded C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll at 000007fefdee0000 --- Process 5412 loaded C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll at 000007fefde40000 --- Process 5412 loaded C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll at 000007feff5e0000 --- Process 5412 loaded C:\Windows\System32\rpcrt4.dll at 000007feff250000 --- Process 5412 loaded C:\Windows\System32\cryptbase.dll at 000007fefd2e0000 4511 4715 [main] tar (5412) sigprocmask: 0 = sigprocmask (0, 0x0, 0x180333190) 1328 6043 [main] tar (5412) open_shared: name shared.5, n 5, shared 0x180030000 (wanted 0x180030000), h 0x84, *m 6 56 6099 [main] tar (5412) user_heap_info::init: heap base 0x800000000, heap top 0x800000000, heap size 0x20000000 (536870912) 53 6152 [main] tar (5412) open_shared: name S-1-5-21-33333-77777-33333-5013.1, n 1, shared 0x180020000 (wanted 0x180020000), h 0x80, *m 6 34 6186 [main] tar (5412) user_info::create: opening user shared for 'S-1-5-21-33333-77777-33333-5013' at 0x180020000 36 6222 [main] tar (5412) user_info::create: user shared version AB1FCCE8 61 6283 [main] tar (5412) fhandler_pipe::create: name \\.\pipe\cygwin-a46ac466ed629d62-5412-sigwait, size 11440, mode PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE 173 6456 [main] tar (5412) fhandler_pipe::create: pipe read handle 0x98 31 6487 [main] tar (5412) fhandler_pipe::create: CreateFile: name \\.\pipe\cygwin-a46ac466ed629d62-5412-sigwait 146 6633 [main] tar (5412) fhandler_pipe::create: pipe write handle 0x9C 67 6700 [main] tar (5412) dll_crt0_0: finished dll_crt0_0 initialization --- Process 5412 thread 4612 created 325 7025 [sig] tar (5412) wait_sig: entering ReadFile loop, my_readsig 0x98, my_sendsig 0x9C 274 7299 [main] tar (5412) time: 1625345566 = time(0x0) 107 7406 [main] tar (5412) mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (C:\tmp\test, 0x0, no-add-slash) 56 7462 [main] tar (5412) normalize_win32_path: C:\tmp\test = normalize_win32_path (C:\tmp\test) 38 7500 [main] tar (5412) mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /tmp/test = conv_to_posix_path (C:\tmp\test) 59 7559 [main] tar (5412) sigprocmask: 0 = sigprocmask (0, 0x0, 0x800018130) 176 7735 [main] tar (5412) _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 0: not open 33 7768 [main] tar (5412) _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 1: not open 29 7797 [main] tar (5412) _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 2: not open 109 7906 [main] tar (5412) open_shared: name cygpid.20193, n 20193, shared 0x180010000 (wanted 0x180010000), h 0xC4, *m 2 38 7944 [main] tar (5412) time: 1625345566 = time(0x0) 47 7991 [main] tar 20193 pinfo::thisproc: myself dwProcessId 5412 257 8248 [main] tar 20193 environ_init: GetEnvironmentStrings returned 0x28A8C0 108 8356 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000284F0: ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\ProgramData 54 8410 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028520: APPDATA=C:\Users\law.Bliss\AppData\Roaming 53 8463 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028560: BASH_ENV=/Users/law.Bliss/.bash_env 55 8518 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028590: BASH_FUNC___age%%=() { declare ns=$(date +"%09N"); printf "%4d.%s\n" $SECONDS ${ns%??????} } 56 8574 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028600: BASH_FUNC__path_append%%=() { _path_op '$1=\"${!1}${!1:+:}$2\"' "$@" } 55 8629 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028650: BASH_FUNC__path_delete%%=() { _path_op '$1=\"${!1//@(^$2:|:$2$)|$2:/}\"' '!' "$@" } 70 8699 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000286B0: BASH_FUNC__path_empty%%=() { declare _abort=exit; [[ $0 =~ bash$ ]] && _abort=return; if (($#>1)); then printf "FATAL internal error: _path_empty only takes 1 arg, not %d\n" $#; [[ $0 =~ bash$ ]] && return 1; exit 1; fi; declare _ng_savestate=$(shopt -p nullglob); shopt -s nullglob; declare -i true=0 false=1; declare -i _empty=true; if [[ ! -e $1 ]]; then _empty=true; else if [[ -f $1 && -s $1 ]]; then _empty=false; else if [[ -d $1 ]]; then declare -a _entries=("$1"/*); ((${#_entries[@]})) && _empty=false; fi; fi; fi; $_ng_savestate; return $_empty } 74 8773 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028900: BASH_FUNC__path_has_subpath%%=() { [[ ${!1} =~ :$2:|^$2:|:$2$ ]] } 64 8837 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028950: BASH_FUNC__path_op%%=() { (($#<3)) && return 1; declare code=$1 pathVarName=$2; shift 2; declare -i del=0; [[ ${pathVarName:-} == ! ]] && { del=1; pathVarName=$1; shift }; if ((!${#code} || !${#pathVarName})); then echo "_path_op: bad args" 1>&2; sleep 1; return 1; fi; while (($#)); do if [[ -d $1 ]] && ! _path_empty "$1"; then { _path_has_subpath "$pathVarName" "$1"; ((!($?^$del))) } || { eval "$(set "$pathVarName" "$1"; eval "echo $code")" }; fi; shift; done } 68 8905 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028B50: BASH_FUNC__path_prepend%%=() { _path_delete "$1" "$2"; _path_op '$1=\"$2${!1:+:}${!1}\"' "$@" } 57 8962 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028BC0: BASH_FUNC_chr%%=() { declare _chr_ch; printf -v _chr_ch "\x5cx%02x" "$1"; printf "$_chr_ch" } 54 9016 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028C30: BASH_FUNC_cygwin%%=() { return 0 } 61 9077 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028C60: BASH_FUNC_datestamp%%=() { declare dstring="%Y%m%d.%H%M%S"; if (($#>0)); then TEMP=$(getopt -l long,unix -n $0 -o +ul -- "$@") || { echo "$0: -u|-l (--unix|--long) or both"; return 1 }; declare -A ops; for op in $TEMP; do ops+=([$op]=1); done; [[ -n ${ops[-u]:-""} || -n ${ops[--unix]:-""} ]] && dstring="%s"; [[ -n ${ops[-l]:-""} || -n ${ops[--long]:-""} ]] && dstring+=".%N"; fi; command -p date +$dstring } 69 9146 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028E20: BASH_FUNC_declude%%=() { declare fn=${1:?Error: _delude needs module names to declude} || return 1; while (($#)); do [[ -n $1 ]] || continue; if [[ ${_INC[$1]:++} == + ]]; then declare z=_INC[$1]; unset ${z}; fi; shift; done } 66 9212 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028F20: BASH_FUNC_enter%%=() { declare doordir="${1:?enter where?}"; if [[ ! -d $doordir ]]; then printf "%s is not a directory\n" "$doordir"; return 20; else if [[ ! -f $doordir/.entry ]]; then printf "%s is not a entry way\n" "$doordir"; return 2; fi; fi; source "$doordir/.entry" } 66 9278 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800029050: BASH_FUNC_grep%%=() { declare -a ops=(--color=auto -I -D skip -d skip); if [[ -f .grep_EX ]]; then command grep --exclude-from=.grep_EX -P "${ops[@]}" "$@"; else command grep "${ops[@]}" "$@"; fi } 74 9352 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800029130: BASH_FUNC_include%%=() { [[ -n ${1:?"Error: include needs filename"} ]] || return 1; declare fnc="${1%.shh}.shh"; [[ ${fnc:0:1} == '/' ]] && { echo "Only relative paths are currently supported as include files." 1>&2; return 1 }; typeset -g _g_switch_test &> /dev/null; declare -i stat=$?; if ((stat)); then typeset -A _INC; else unset _g_switch_test &> /dev/null; typeset -Ag _INC; fi; if [[ -z ${_INC[${fnc}]:-} ]]; then declare pw=""; declare -a _FPATH=($(IFS=:; echo $PATH)); for pw in "${_FPATH[@]}"; do declare fn="${pw%/}/${fnc}"; if [[ -r $fn ]]; then shift; source "$fn" "$@" || { declare stat=$?; echo "Error: include of \"$fnc\" returned false (non-zero) status" 1>&2; exit $stat }; _INC["$fnc"]="$fn"; return 0; fi; done; echo "Cannot find \"$fnc\" in \"$PATH\"" 1>&2; exit 2; fi } 78 9430 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800029480: BASH_FUNC_isatty%%=() { (($#)) && { test -t "$1"; return $? }; test -t 1 } 56 9486 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000294E0: BASH_FUNC_ls%%=() { command ls --quoting-style=literal "$@" } 78 9564 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800029530: BASH_FUNC_mklink%%=() { function err_ex () { declare err="${!1}" msg="$2"; echo "$msg" 1>&2; return $err }; if (($#!=2)) && [[ $0 =~ bash ]]; then { printf -- "mklink # ( exists, must not)\n"; printf -- " # ( may be '.' to create '' in current dir)\n" } 1>&2; return 1; fi; declare src=${1%/.} dst=${2%/.}; src=${src%/}; [[ $dst == . ]] && dst="${src##*/}"; [[ -e $dst ]] && { err_ex EEXIST "Destination, \"$dst\", already exists."; return }; [[ -e $src ]] || { err_ex ENOENT "Source, \"$src\", does not exist."; return }; declare dest_type="unknown"; if [[ -f $src ]]; then dest_type=""; else if [[ -d $src ]]; then dest_type="/d"; else err_ex ENOSYS "Cannot determine src, \"$src\" as file or dir"; return; fi; fi; declare winsrc windst; printf -v winsrc "%s" "$(cygpath -wl "$src")"; printf -v windst "%s" "$(cygpath -wl "$dst")"; declare cmd=""; printf -v wincmd 'cmd /c mklink %s "%q" "%q"' "$dest_type" "$windst" "$winsrc"; eval "$wincmd"; (($?)) && err_ex ENOMSG "Windows return unexpected status($status)" } 82 9646 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000299A0: BASH_FUNC_ord%%=() { local nl=""; ttynl nl; printf "%d$nl" "'$1" } 56 9702 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000299F0: BASH_FUNC_pfld_n%%=() { if (($#)); then declare -i f=${1:?}-1; declare -a flds=(); while read -a flds; do echo ${flds[$f]}; done; fi } 60 9762 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800029A90: BASH_FUNC_push%%=() { local arrname=${1:?} artyp=$(typeset -p "$1" 2>/dev/null); shift; [[ $artyp =~ .*-a.* ]] || { printf '"%s" is not an array: cannot push\n' "$arrname"; return 1 }; eval "$arrname+=( "$@" )" } 59 9821 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800029B80: BASH_FUNC_showsize%%=() { local s=$(stty size); local o="(${s% *}x${s#* })"; s="${#o}"; echo -n $o; while ((s-- > 0)); do echo -ne "\b"; done } 69 9890 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800029C20: BASH_FUNC_spwd%%=() { declare _f_=""; [[ -n ${_f_:=${-//[^x]/}} ]] && set +$_f_; (($#)) || { set "${PWD:=$(echo -En $( eval "{,{,/usr}/bin/}pwd 2>&-||:" ))}"; (($#)) || return 1 }; declare -i w=COLUMNS/2; ( printf -v _p "%s" "$1"; export IFS=/; set $_p; shift; unset IFS; t="${_p#$_home_prefix}"; declare -i tl=${#t}; if (($#<=6 && tl\[\] 56 16949 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003B560: PS2=> 55 17004 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003B580: PS4=>${BASH_SOURCE:+${BASH_SOURCE/$HOME/\~}}#${LINENO}${FUNCNAME:+(${FUNCNAME})}> 55 17059 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003B5E0: PSModulePath=C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ 57 17116 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003B630: PUBLIC=C:\Users\Public 53 17169 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003B650: PWD=/tmp/test 54 17223 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003B670: ProgramData=C:\ProgramData 54 17277 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003B6A0: ProgramW6432=C:\Prog64 72 17349 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003B6C0: RCSINIT=-zLT 53 17402 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003B6E0: REMOTEUSER=law 52 17454 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003B700: RSYNC_RSH=ssh 79 17533 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003B720: SESSIONNAME=Console 54 17587 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000281A0: SHELL=C:/Bin/Bash.exe 53 17640 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000281C0: SHLVL=1 53 17693 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000281E0: SYSTEMDRIVE=C: 52 17745 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028200: SYSTEMROOT=C:\Windows 55 17800 [main] tar 20193 getwinenv: can't set native for TEMP= since no environ yet 30 17830 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (C:\tmp, 0x10000000, no-add-slash) 31 17861 [main] tar 20193 normalize_win32_path: C:\tmp = normalize_win32_path (C:\tmp) 31 17892 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /tmp = conv_to_posix_path (C:\tmp) 74 17966 [main] tar 20193 win_env::add_cache: posix /tmp 30 17996 [main] tar 20193 win_env::add_cache: native TEMP=C:\tmp 30 18026 [main] tar 20193 posify_maybe: env var converted to TEMP=/tmp 74 18100 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028280: TEMP=/tmp 54 18154 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028220: TERM=linux 53 18207 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000282A0: TEST_JOBS=12 54 18261 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000282C0: TIMEFORMAT=%2Rsec %2Uusr %2Ssys (%P%% cpu) 60 18321 [main] tar 20193 getwinenv: can't set native for TMP= since no environ yet 31 18352 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (C:\tmp, 0x10000000, no-add-slash) 31 18383 [main] tar 20193 normalize_win32_path: C:\tmp = normalize_win32_path (C:\tmp) 30 18413 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /tmp = conv_to_posix_path (C:\tmp) 75 18488 [main] tar 20193 win_env::add_cache: posix /tmp 29 18517 [main] tar 20193 win_env::add_cache: native TMP=C:\tmp 30 18547 [main] tar 20193 posify_maybe: env var converted to TMP=/tmp 76 18623 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028360: TMP=/tmp 56 18679 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028300: USER=Bliss\law 52 18731 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028380: USERDOMAIN=Bliss 53 18784 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000283A0: USERDOMAIN_ROAMINGPROFILE=Bliss 55 18839 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000283D0: USERNAME=law 53 18892 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000283F0: USERPROFILE=C:\Users\law.Bliss 53 18945 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028420: VIMRUNTIME=C:/Prog64/Vim/Current 53 18998 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x800028450: VS110COMNTOOLS=C:\Prog\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools 57 19055 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000284A0: WINDIR=C:\Windows 53 19108 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x8000284C0: XAUTHORITY=/Users/law.Bliss/.Xauthority 55 19163 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003BDB0: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/var/run/user/5013 54 19217 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003BDE0: XZ_DEFAULTS=-9 52 19269 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003BE00: _=/bin/strace 55 19324 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003BE20: _BASHRC_SH_=1 70 19394 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003BE40: _GPSAFE_=declare -Ax _GROUPS_=([pulse-rt]="1016" ["Bliss\\Trusted Local Net Users"]="1053" ["Console Login"]="11201" [LOCAL]="66048" ["Remote Desktop Users"]="555" ["Authenticated Users"]="11511" [Interactive]="11504" ["Bliss\\Group Policy Creator Owners"]="520" [pulse-access]="1017" [WinRMRemoteWMIUsers__]="1023" ["Bliss\\Cert Publishers"]="517" ["Bliss\\Domain Admins"]="512" ["Backup Operators"]="551" [Users]="545" ["High Mandatory Level"]="11612288" ["Performance Log Users"]="559" ["Bliss\\Schema Admins"]="518" ["Bliss\\Domain Users"]="513" ["Bliss\\Enterprise Admins"]="519" ["NTLM Authentication"]="1156410" ["Bliss\\Media"]="260" ["This Organization"]="15" [CurrentSession]="4095" ["Netmon Users"]="1018" [Administrators]="544" [lawgroup]="1015" ["Bliss\\martingroup"]="1001" ["Bliss\\lawgroup"]="201" ) 76 19470 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C180: _LOCAL_DIR_=/etc/local 53 19523 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C1A0: _Profile_Read_=true 55 19578 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C1C0: __dpf__=local -a PF=( "/$1/$2/$3/../\${$[$#-1]}/\${$#}" "/$1/$2/../\${$[$#-1]}/\${$#}" "/$1/../\${$[$#-1]}/\${$#}" "/$1/../\${$#}" ".../\${$#}" "..." ) 64 19642 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C2A0: _home_prefix=/Users/ 56 19698 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C2C0: _prg_id=/bin/id 56 19754 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C2E0: _prg_locations_defined=1 52 19806 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C310: _prg_sed=/bin/sed 55 19861 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C330: _prg_stty=/bin/stty 52 19913 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C350: _prg_uname=/bin/uname 52 19965 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C370: _prg_xset=xset is /bin/xset 53 20018 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C3A0: _sh_LOGNAME_=Bliss\law 52 20070 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C3C0: _sh_vars_read=1 55 20125 [main] tar 20193 win32env_to_cygenv: 0x80003C3E0: qUSER=Bliss\\law 57 20182 [main] tar 20193 pinfo_init: Set nice to 0 30 20212 [main] tar 20193 pinfo_init: pid 20193, pgid 20193, process_state 0x41 31 20243 [main] tar 20193 App version: 3001.7, api: 0.340 30 20273 [main] tar 20193 DLL version: 3002.0, api: 0.340 35 20308 [main] tar 20193 DLL build: 2021-03-29 08:42 49 20357 [main] tar 20193 dtable::extend: size 32, fds 0x18035E070 120 20477 [main] tar 20193 __get_lcid_from_locale: LCID=0x0409 319 20796 [main] tar 20193 transport_layer_pipes::connect: Try to connect to named pipe: \\.\pipe\cygwin-a46ac466ed629d62-lpc 216 21012 [main] tar 20193 transport_layer_pipes::connect: Try to connect to named pipe: \\.\pipe\cygwin-a46ac466ed629d62-lpc 223 21235 [main] tar 20193 transport_layer_pipes::connect: Try to connect to named pipe: \\.\pipe\cygwin-a46ac466ed629d62-lpc 190 21425 [main] tar 20193 cygheap_user::ontherange: what 2, pw 0x18035E310 32 21457 [main] tar 20193 cygheap_user::ontherange: HOME is already in the environment /Users/law.Bliss 103 21560 [main] tar 20193 build_argv: argv[0] = 'tar' 31 21591 [main] tar 20193 build_argv: argv[1] = 'cf' 32 21623 [main] tar 20193 build_argv: argv[2] = '/dev/null' 32 21655 [main] tar 20193 build_argv: argv[3] = '--acls' 31 21686 [main] tar 20193 build_argv: argv[4] = '--xattrs' 30 21716 [main] tar 20193 build_argv: argv[5] = '--sparse' 29 21745 [main] tar 20193 build_argv: argv[6] = '-b 2048' 30 21775 [main] tar 20193 build_argv: argv[7] = '--one-file-system' 30 21805 [main] tar 20193 build_argv: argv[8] = '.' 30 21835 [main] tar 20193 build_argv: argc 9 231 22066 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: created an archetype (0x18035F3A0) for /dev/pty1(136/1) 33 22099 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x18035F030, dev 00880001 40 22139 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pipe::create: name \\.\pipe\cygwin-a46ac466ed629d62-pty1-from-master, size 131072, mode PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE 144 22283 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pipe::create: pipe busy 33 22316 [main] tar 20193 tty::exists: exists 1 89 22405 [main] tar 20193 set_posix_access: ACL-Size: 124 53 22458 [main] tar 20193 set_posix_access: Created SD-Size: 200 30 22488 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::open: (790): pty output_mutex (0xD4): waiting -1 ms 33 22521 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::open: (790): pty output_mutex: acquired 42 22563 [main] tar 20193 tty::create_inuse: cygtty.slave_alive.1 0xE4 34 22597 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::open: (793): pty output_mutex(0xD4) released 63 22660 [main] tar 20193 open_shared: name cygpid.19329, n 19329, shared 0x30000 (wanted 0x0), h 0xE8, *m 6 42 22702 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::open: dup handles directly since I'm the owner 49 22751 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::open: duplicated from_master 0x1F4->0xE8 from pty_owner 32 22783 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::open: duplicated from_master_cyg 0x1D8->0xF0 from pty_owner 31 22814 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::open: duplicated to_master 0x1E4->0xF4 from pty_owner 31 22845 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::open: duplicated to_master_cyg 0x1F0->0xF8 from pty_owner 52 22897 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_console::need_invisible: invisible_console 0 36 22933 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open_with_arch: line 459: /dev/pty1<0x18035F3A0> usecount + 1 = 1 36 22969 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10002, supplied_bin 0x0 31 23000 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000 31 23031 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 30 23061 [main] tar 20193 _pinfo::set_ctty: old no ctty, ctty device number 0xFFFFFFFF, tc.ntty device number 0x880001 flags & O_NOCTTY 0x0 32 23093 [main] tar 20193 _pinfo::set_ctty: cygheap->ctty 0x0, archetype 0x18035F3A0 31 23124 [main] tar 20193 _pinfo::set_ctty: ctty was NULL 29 23153 [main] tar 20193 _pinfo::set_ctty: line 541: /dev/pty1<0x18035F3A0> usecount + 1 = 2 32 23185 [main] tar 20193 _pinfo::set_ctty: /dev/pty1 ctty, usecount 2 32 23217 [main] tar 20193 _pinfo::set_ctty: attaching ctty /dev/pty1 sid 20193, pid 20193, pgid 20193, tty->pgid 20191, tty->sid 19330 35 23252 [main] tar 20193 _pinfo::set_ctty: cygheap->ctty now 0x18035F3A0, archetype 0x18035F3A0 31 23283 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::open_setup: /dev/pty1 opened, usecount 2 34 23317 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10002, supplied_bin 0x0 31 23348 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000 31 23379 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 30 23409 [main] tar 20193 _pinfo::set_ctty: old ctty /dev/pty1, ctty device number 0x880001, tc.ntty device number 0x880001 flags & O_NOCTTY 0x0 34 23443 [main] tar 20193 _pinfo::set_ctty: attaching ctty /dev/pty1 sid 19330, pid 20193, pgid 20193, tty->pgid 20193, tty->sid 19330 35 23478 [main] tar 20193 _pinfo::set_ctty: cygheap->ctty now 0x18035F3A0, archetype 0x18035F3A0 33 23511 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::open_setup: /dev/pty1 opened, usecount 2 2644 26155 [main] tar 20193 handle_to_fn: current match 'C:' = '\Device\HarddiskVolume2' 225 26380 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (C:\tmp\out, 0x10000000, no-add-slash) 67 26447 [main] tar 20193 normalize_win32_path: C:\tmp\out = normalize_win32_path (C:\tmp\out) 32 26479 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /tmp/out = conv_to_posix_path (C:\tmp\out) 34 26513 [main] tar 20193 handle_to_fn: derived path 'C:\tmp\out', posix '/tmp/out' 36 26549 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /tmp/out 30 26579 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/out = normalize_posix_path (/tmp/out) 32 26611 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/out) 37 26648 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/out', dst '' 34 26682 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/out, dst C:\tmp\out, flags 0x30008, rc 0 79 26761 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\out) 57 26818 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 90 26908 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\out, 0xFFFFB850) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 38 26946 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\out), has_acls(1) 40 26986 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x18035F7C0, dev 000000C3 37 27023 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10001, supplied_bin 0x0 32 27055 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000 33 27088 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 30 27118 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::init: created new fhandler_base for handle 0x27C, bin 1 2107 29225 [main] tar 20193 handle_to_fn: current match 'C:' = '\Device\HarddiskVolume2' 113 29338 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (C:\tmp\out, 0x10000000, no-add-slash) 29 29367 [main] tar 20193 normalize_win32_path: C:\tmp\out = normalize_win32_path (C:\tmp\out) 27 29394 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /tmp/out = conv_to_posix_path (C:\tmp\out) 28 29422 [main] tar 20193 handle_to_fn: derived path 'C:\tmp\out', posix '/tmp/out' 26 29448 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /tmp/out 26 29474 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/out = normalize_posix_path (/tmp/out) 26 29500 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/out) 28 29528 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/out', dst '' 27 29555 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/out, dst C:\tmp\out, flags 0x30008, rc 0 47 29602 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\out) 36 29638 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 56 29694 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\out, 0xFFFFB850) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 30 29724 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\out), has_acls(1) 28 29752 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x18035FA00, dev 000000C3 33 29785 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10001, supplied_bin 0x0 26 29811 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000 26 29837 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 26 29863 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::init: created new fhandler_base for handle 0x234, bin 1 475 30338 [main] tar 20193 __set_errno: void dll_crt0_1(void*):989 setting errno 0 463 30801 [main] tar 20193 __get_lcid_from_locale: LCID=0x0409 65 30866 [main] tar 20193 __get_lcid_from_locale: LCID=0x0409 80 30946 [main] tar 20193 __get_lcid_from_locale: LCID=0x0409 92 31038 [main] tar 20193 __get_lcid_from_locale: LCID=0x0409 90 31128 [main] tar 20193 __get_lcid_from_locale: LCID=0x0409 98 31226 [main] tar 20193 __get_lcid_from_locale: LCID=0x0409 111 31337 [main] tar 20193 __get_lcid_from_locale: LCID=0x0000 62 31399 [main] tar 20193 __get_lcid_from_locale: LCID=0x0000 61 31460 [main] tar 20193 __get_lcid_from_locale: LCID=0x0000 61 31521 [main] tar 20193 __get_lcid_from_locale: LCID=0x0000 550 32071 [main] tar 20193 fcntl64: fcntl(0, 1, ...) 26 32097 [main] tar 20193 fcntl64: 0 = fcntl(0, 1, 0x18) 26 32123 [main] tar 20193 fcntl64: fcntl(1, 1, ...) 27 32150 [main] tar 20193 fcntl64: 0 = fcntl(1, 1, 0x0) 31 32181 [main] tar 20193 fcntl64: fcntl(2, 1, ...) 30 32211 [main] tar 20193 fcntl64: 0 = fcntl(2, 1, 0x0) 44 32255 [main] tar 20193 void: 0x0 = signal (20, 0x0) 555 32810 [main] tar 20193 mmap64: addr 0x0, len 1179648, prot 0x3, flags 0x22, fd -1, off 0x0 45 32855 [main] tar 20193 mmap64: 0x6FFFFEE0000 = mmap() 48 32903 [main] tar 20193 open: open(/dev/null, 0x10601) 27 32930 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/null 27 32957 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /dev/null = normalize_posix_path (/dev/null) 33 32990 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev/null) 33 33023 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev/null, dst \Device\Null, flags 0x0, rc 0 36 33059 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x18035FF70, dev 00010003 28 33087 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: (\Device\Null, 0x18601) 32 33119 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x18601, supplied_bin 0x10000 26 33145 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000 26 33171 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 27 33198 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x13C, 0x40120080, \Device\Null, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x3, 0x4020, NULL, 0) 31 33229 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\Device\Null, 0x18601) 32 33261 [main] tar 20193 open: 3 = open(/dev/null, 0x18601) 35 33296 [main] tar 20193 time: 1625345566 = time(0x0) 28 33324 [main] tar 20193 stat64: entering 25 33349 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /dev 26 33375 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /dev = normalize_posix_path (/dev) 25 33400 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/dev) 27 33427 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/dev', dst '' 32 33459 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /dev, dst C:\dev, flags 0x30008, rc 0 53 33512 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0xC0000034 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\dev) 27 33539 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0xC0000034 = NtQueryInformationFile (\??\C:\dev) 37 33576 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0xC0000034 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\dev.exe) 27 33603 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0xC0000034 = NtQueryInformationFile (\??\C:\dev.exe) 35 33638 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0xC0000034 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\dev.lnk) 27 33665 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0xC0000034 = NtQueryInformationFile (\??\C:\dev.lnk) 36 33701 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0xC0000034 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\dev.exe.lnk) 26 33727 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0xC0000034 = NtQueryInformationFile (\??\C:\dev.exe.lnk) 26 33753 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\dev, 0xFFFFB200) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 31 33784 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180360230, dev 000000C1 28 33812 [main] tar 20193 stat_worker: (\??\C:\dev, 0x180333000, 0x180360230), file_attributes 16 33 33845 [main] tar 20193 time: 1625345566 = time(0x0) 26 33871 [main] tar 20193 stat_worker: 0 = (\??\C:\dev,0x180333000) 30 33901 [main] tar 20193 fstat64: 0 = fstat(3, 0x100479800) 150 34051 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /tmp/test/. 25 34076 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test/ = normalize_posix_path (/tmp/test/.) 31 34107 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test) 30 34137 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test', dst '' 30 34167 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test, dst C:\tmp\test, flags 0x30008, rc 0 39 34206 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test) 34 34240 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 26 34266 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFFB180) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 27 34293 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test), has_acls(1) 31 34324 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180360230, dev 000000C3 26 34350 [main] tar 20193 stat_worker: (\??\C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFFC7F8, 0x180360230), file_attributes 16 106 34456 [main] tar 20193 transport_layer_pipes::connect: Try to connect to named pipe: \\.\pipe\cygwin-a46ac466ed629d62-lpc 151 34607 [main] tar 20193 transport_layer_pipes::connect: Try to connect to named pipe: \\.\pipe\cygwin-a46ac466ed629d62-lpc 153 34760 [main] tar 20193 transport_layer_pipes::connect: Try to connect to named pipe: \\.\pipe\cygwin-a46ac466ed629d62-lpc 152 34912 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::fstat_helper: 0 = fstat (\??\C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFFC7F8) st_size=0, st_mode=040777, st_ino=83035118129715473st_atim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 st_ctim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 st_mtim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 st_birthtim=60E0CCC5.81AABA0 34 34946 [main] tar 20193 stat_worker: 0 = (\??\C:\tmp\test,0xFFFFC7F8) 269 35215 [main] tar 20193 open: open(/tmp/test/., 0x15C000) 26 35241 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /tmp/test/. 25 35266 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test/ = normalize_posix_path (/tmp/test/.) 27 35293 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test) 61 35354 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test', dst '' 30 35384 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test, dst C:\tmp\test, flags 0x30008, rc 0 39 35423 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test) 33 35456 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 25 35481 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFFB010) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 27 35508 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test), has_acls(1) 27 35535 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180360230, dev 000000C3 34 35569 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: (\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x15C000) 39 35608 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x15C000, supplied_bin 0x10000 27 35635 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000 28 35663 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 30 35693 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x144, 0x80100000, \??\C:\tmp\test, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x1, 0x4020, NULL, 0) 32 35725 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x15C000) 31 35756 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open_fs: 1 = fhandler_disk_file::open(\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x15C000) 31 35787 [main] tar 20193 open: 4 = open(/tmp/test/., 0x15C000) 78 35865 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::fstat_helper: 0 = fstat (\??\C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFFC7F8) st_size=0, st_mode=040777, st_ino=83035118129715473st_atim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 st_ctim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 st_mtim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 st_birthtim=60E0CCC5.81AABA0 32 35897 [main] tar 20193 fstat64: 0 = fstat(4, 0xFFFFC7F8) 32 35929 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src . 26 35955 [main] tar 20193 cwdstuff::get: posix /tmp/test 25 35980 [main] tar 20193 cwdstuff::get: (/tmp/test) = cwdstuff::get (0x800000010, 32768, 1, 0), errno 0 28 36008 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test/ = normalize_posix_path (.) 31 36039 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test) 34 36073 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test', dst '' 30 36103 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test, dst C:\tmp\test, flags 0x30008, rc 0 40 36143 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test) 31 36174 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 32 36206 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFFB0B0) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 27 36233 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test), has_acls(1) 27 36260 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000C3 26 36286 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: (\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x10000) 35 36321 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10000, supplied_bin 0x10000 27 36348 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000 25 36373 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 25 36398 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x140, 0x20000, \??\C:\tmp\test, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x1, 0x4000, NULL, 0) 29 36427 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x10000) 31 36458 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open_fs: 1 = fhandler_disk_file::open(\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x10000) 65 36523 [main] tar 20193 getacl: 16 = getacl(\??\C:\tmp\test) 81 36604 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::close: closing '/tmp/test' handle 0x140 73 36677 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src . 25 36702 [main] tar 20193 cwdstuff::get: posix /tmp/test 25 36727 [main] tar 20193 cwdstuff::get: (/tmp/test) = cwdstuff::get (0x800000010, 32768, 1, 0), errno 0 30 36757 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test/ = normalize_posix_path (.) 31 36788 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test) 31 36819 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test', dst '' 31 36850 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test, dst C:\tmp\test, flags 0x30008, rc 0 40 36890 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test) 31 36921 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 31 36952 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFFB100) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 27 36979 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test), has_acls(1) 26 37005 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000C3 28 37033 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: (\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x10000) 38 37071 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10000, supplied_bin 0x10000 26 37097 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000 28 37125 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 31 37156 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x140, 0x20000, \??\C:\tmp\test, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x1, 0x4000, NULL, 0) 31 37187 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x10000) 31 37218 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open_fs: 1 = fhandler_disk_file::open(\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x10000) 51 37269 [main] tar 20193 getacl: 16 = getacl(\??\C:\tmp\test) 86 37355 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::close: closing '/tmp/test' handle 0x140 132 37487 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src . 27 37514 [main] tar 20193 cwdstuff::get: posix /tmp/test 30 37544 [main] tar 20193 cwdstuff::get: (/tmp/test) = cwdstuff::get (0x800000010, 32768, 1, 0), errno 0 32 37576 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test/ = normalize_posix_path (.) 31 37607 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test) 31 37638 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test', dst '' 31 37669 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test, dst C:\tmp\test, flags 0x30008, rc 0 42 37711 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test) 32 37743 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 31 37774 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFFB100) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 28 37802 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test), has_acls(1) 25 37827 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000C3 28 37855 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: (\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x10000) 38 37893 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10000, supplied_bin 0x10000 26 37919 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000 27 37946 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 32 37978 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x140, 0x20000, \??\C:\tmp\test, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x1, 0x4000, NULL, 0) 31 38009 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x10000) 31 38040 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open_fs: 1 = fhandler_disk_file::open(\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x10000) 60 38100 [main] tar 20193 getacl: 16 = getacl(\??\C:\tmp\test) 82 38182 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::close: closing '/tmp/test' handle 0x140 148 38330 [main] tar 20193 read_ea: read_ea (\??\C:\tmp\test, (null), 0x800045D00, 1024) 67 38397 [main] tar 20193 read_ea: 0 = read_ea(\??\C:\tmp\test, (null), 0x800045D00, 1024) 166 38563 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_close_on_exec: set close_on_exec for /tmp/test to 1 26 38589 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_disk_file::opendir: 0x800046520 = opendir (/tmp/test) 38 38627 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_disk_file::readdir: 0 = readdir(0x800046520, 0xFFFFC2B0) (L"." > ".") (attr 0x10 > type 4) 29 38656 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /tmp/test/.. 31 38687 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: checking /tmp/test before '..' 75 38762 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /tmp/test 25 38787 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test = normalize_posix_path (/tmp/test) 26 38813 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test) 27 38840 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test', dst '' 32 38872 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test, dst C:\tmp\test, flags 0x30008, rc 0 60 38932 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test) 31 38963 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 32 38995 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFF99F0) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 27 39022 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test), has_acls(1) 26 39048 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/ = normalize_posix_path (/tmp/test/..) 27 39075 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp) 33 39108 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp', dst '' 30 39138 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp, dst C:\tmp, flags 0x30008, rc 0 41 39179 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp) 31 39210 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 25 39235 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp, 0xFFFFAE60) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 27 39262 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp), has_acls(1) 35 39297 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_disk_file::readdir: 0 = readdir(0x800046520, 0xFFFFC2B0) (L".." > "..") (attr 0x10 > type 4) 90 39387 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_disk_file::readdir: 0 = readdir(0x800046520, 0xFFFFC2B0) (L"Desktops" > "Desktops") (attr 0x420 > type 10) 58 39445 [main] tar 20193 geterrno_from_win_error: windows error 18 == errno 89 26 39471 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_disk_file::readdir: 89 = readdir(0x800046520, 0xFFFFC2B0) (L"(null)" > "***") (attr 0x0 > type 0) 532 40003 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /tmp/test/Desktops 28 40031 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test/Desktops = normalize_posix_path (/tmp/test/Desktops) 27 40058 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test/Desktops) 27 40085 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test/Desktops', dst '' 32 40117 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test/Desktops, dst C:\tmp\test\Desktops, flags 0x30008, rc 0 42 40159 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test\Desktops) 45 40204 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 81 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test\Desktops, 0xFFFFADE0) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x98) 29 40233 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test\Desktops), has_acls(1) 28 40261 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000C3 26 40287 [main] tar 20193 stat_worker: (\??\C:\tmp\test\Desktops, 0xFFFFC288, 0x1803606D0), file_attributes 1056 131 40418 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::fstat_helper: 0 = fstat (\??\C:\tmp\test\Desktops, 0xFFFFC288) st_size=81, st_mode=0120777, st_ino=198439858581239757st_atim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 st_ctim=60E0CD26.15191620 st_mtim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 st_birthtim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 32 40450 [main] tar 20193 stat_worker: 0 = (\??\C:\tmp\test\Desktops,0xFFFFC288) 57 40507 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /tmp/test/Desktops 27 40534 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test/Desktops = normalize_posix_path (/tmp/test/Desktops) 32 40566 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test/Desktops) 31 40597 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test/Desktops', dst '' 31 40628 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test/Desktops, dst C:\tmp\test\Desktops, flags 0x30008, rc 0 41 40669 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test\Desktops) 46 40715 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 81 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test\Desktops, 0xFFFFAC60) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x98) 28 40743 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(/progd/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Menus/Tools/Sysinternals/SI/Desktops), has_acls(1) 29 40772 [main] tar 20193 open: open(/proc/self/fd, 0x64C000) 25 40797 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /proc/self/fd 28 40825 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /proc/self/fd = normalize_posix_path (/proc/self/fd) 31 40856 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/self/fd) 28 40884 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/self/fd) 26 40910 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/self/fd, dst /proc/self/fd, flags 0x0, rc 0 29 40939 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000FF 26 40965 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::exists: exists (/proc/self/fd) 30 40995 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/self) 26 41021 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/self) 26 41047 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/self, dst /proc/self, flags 0x0, rc 0 28 41075 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000FF 31 41106 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::exists: exists (/proc/self) 34 41140 [main] tar 20193 getpid: 20193 = getpid() 29 41169 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /proc/20193/fd 30 41199 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /proc/20193/fd = normalize_posix_path (/proc/20193/fd) 31 41230 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/20193/fd) 31 41261 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/20193/fd) 32 41293 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/20193/fd, dst /proc/20193/fd, flags 0x0, rc 0 31 41324 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000FE 29 41353 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_process::exists: exists (/proc/20193/fd) 31 41384 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000FE 27 41411 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x65C000, supplied_bin 0x0 26 41437 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000 27 41464 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 34 41498 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x65C000, supplied_bin 0x0 28 41526 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY set in flags 0x10000 32 41558 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 31 41589 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_process::open: 1 = fhandler_proc::open(0x64C000, 03220) 31 41620 [main] tar 20193 open: 5 = open(/proc/self/fd, 0x64C000) 34 41654 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /proc/self/fd/5/../fd 28 41682 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: checking /proc/self/fd/5 before '..' 31 41713 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /proc/self/fd/5 25 41738 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /proc/self/fd/5 = normalize_posix_path (/proc/self/fd/5) 27 41765 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/self/fd/5) 33 41798 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/self/fd/5) 31 41829 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/self/fd/5, dst /proc/self/fd/5, flags 0x0, rc 0 32 41861 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180360B70, dev 000000FF 29 41890 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::exists: exists (/proc/self/fd/5) 32 41922 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/self/fd) 31 41953 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/self/fd) 31 41984 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/self/fd, dst /proc/self/fd, flags 0x0, rc 0 27 42011 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180360B70, dev 000000FF 25 42036 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::exists: exists (/proc/self/fd) 26 42062 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/self) 26 42088 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/self) 25 42113 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/self, dst /proc/self, flags 0x0, rc 0 28 42141 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180360B70, dev 000000FF 31 42172 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::exists: exists (/proc/self) 31 42203 [main] tar 20193 getpid: 20193 = getpid() 32 42235 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /proc/20193/fd/5 30 42265 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /proc/20193/fd/5 = normalize_posix_path (/proc/20193/fd/5) 31 42296 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/20193/fd/5) 26 42322 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/20193/fd/5) 27 42349 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/20193/fd/5, dst /proc/20193/fd/5, flags 0x0, rc 0 27 42376 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180360B70, dev 000000FB 26 42402 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_process::exists: exists (/proc/20193/fd/5) 31 42433 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /proc/20193/fd 25 42458 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /proc/20193/fd = normalize_posix_path (/proc/20193/fd) 26 42484 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/20193/fd) 27 42511 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/20193/fd) 26 42537 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/20193/fd, dst /proc/20193/fd, flags 0x0, rc 0 27 42564 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180360B70, dev 000000FE 25 42589 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_process::exists: exists (/proc/20193/fd) 27 42616 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /proc/20193/fd = normalize_posix_path (/proc/self/fd/5/../fd) 27 42643 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/20193/fd) 27 42670 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/20193/fd) 32 42702 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/20193/fd, dst /proc/20193/fd, flags 0x0, rc 0 31 42733 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180360B70, dev 000000FE 30 42763 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_process::exists: exists (/proc/20193/fd) 34 42797 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180360B70, dev 000000FE 29 42826 [main] tar 20193 access: returning 0 25 42851 [main] tar 20193 close: close(5) 27 42878 [main] tar 20193 close: 0 = close(5) 32 42910 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /proc/self/fd/4/Desktops 30 42940 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /proc/self/fd/4/Desktops = normalize_posix_path (/proc/self/fd/4/Desktops) 31 42971 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/self/fd/4/Desktops) 31 43002 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/self/fd/4/Desktops) 31 43033 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/self/fd/4/Desktops, dst /proc/self/fd/4/Desktops, flags 0x0, rc 0 33 43066 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000FF 29 43095 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::exists: exists (/proc/self/fd/4/Desktops) 31 43126 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/self/fd/4) 26 43152 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/self/fd/4) 26 43178 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/self/fd/4, dst /proc/self/fd/4, flags 0x0, rc 0 33 43211 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000FF 30 43241 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::exists: exists (/proc/self/fd/4) 32 43273 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/self/fd) 33 43306 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/self/fd) 26 43332 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/self/fd, dst /proc/self/fd, flags 0x0, rc 0 28 43360 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000FF 31 43391 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::exists: exists (/proc/self/fd) 31 43422 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/self) 31 43453 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/self) 31 43484 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/self, dst /proc/self, flags 0x0, rc 0 31 43515 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000FF 31 43546 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::exists: exists (/proc/self) 31 43577 [main] tar 20193 getpid: 20193 = getpid() 25 43602 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /proc/20193/fd/4/Desktops 27 43629 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /proc/20193/fd/4/Desktops = normalize_posix_path (/proc/20193/fd/4/Desktops) 32 43661 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/proc/20193/fd/4/Desktops) 31 43692 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_proc::get_proc_fhandler: get_proc_fhandler(/proc/20193/fd/4/Desktops) 31 43723 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /proc/20193/fd/4/Desktops, dst /proc/20193/fd/4/Desktops, flags 0x0, rc 0 32 43755 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000FB 29 43784 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_process::exists: exists (/proc/20193/fd/4/Desktops) 42 43826 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /tmp/test 25 43851 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test = normalize_posix_path (/tmp/test) 26 43877 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test) 25 43902 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test', dst '' 27 43929 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test, dst C:\tmp\test, flags 0x30008, rc 0 45 43974 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test) 33 44007 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 32 44039 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFF87E0) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 28 44067 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test), has_acls(1) 26 44093 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test/Desktops) 26 44119 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test/Desktops', dst '' 26 44145 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test/Desktops, dst C:\tmp\test\Desktops, flags 0x30008, rc 0 36 44181 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test\Desktops) 49 44230 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 81 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test\Desktops, 0xFFFF9D60) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x98) 28 44258 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test\Desktops), has_acls(1) 26 44284 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000C3 27 44311 [main] tar 20193 read_ea: read_ea (\??\C:\tmp\test\Desktops, (null), 0x800045D00, 1024) 36 44347 [main] tar 20193 seterrno_from_nt_status: /home/corinna/src/cygwin/cygwin-3.2.0/cygwin-3.2.0-1.x86_64/src/newlib-cygwin/winsup/cygwin/ntea.cc:77 status 0xC0000279 -> windows error 1920 29 44376 [main] tar 20193 geterrno_from_win_error: unknown windows error 1920, setting errno to 13 26 44402 [main] tar 20193 read_ea: -1 = read_ea(\??\C:\tmp\test\Desktops, (null), 0x800045D00, 1024) 30 44432 [main] tar 20193 open: open(., 0x440000) 26 44458 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src . 26 44484 [main] tar 20193 cwdstuff::get: posix /tmp/test 32 44516 [main] tar 20193 cwdstuff::get: (/tmp/test) = cwdstuff::get (0x800000010, 32768, 1, 0), errno 0 32 44548 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test/ = normalize_posix_path (.) 30 44578 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test) 32 44610 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test', dst '' 31 44641 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test, dst C:\tmp\test, flags 0x30008, rc 0 39 44680 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test) 31 44711 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 25 44736 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFF9C00) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 27 44763 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test), has_acls(1) 27 44790 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803606D0, dev 000000C3 33 44823 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: (\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x448000) 39 44862 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x448000, supplied_bin 0x10000 26 44888 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary 32 44920 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (0x148, 0x80100000, \??\C:\tmp\test, io, NULL, 0x0, 0x7, 0x1, 0x4020, NULL, 0) 32 44952 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open(\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x448000) 30 44982 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::open_fs: 1 = fhandler_disk_file::open(\??\C:\tmp\test, 0x448000) 32 45014 [main] tar 20193 open: 5 = open(., 0x448000) 33 45047 [main] tar 20193 chdir: dir '/tmp/test' 28 45075 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /tmp/test 31 45106 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test = normalize_posix_path (/tmp/test) 32 45138 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test) 31 45169 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test', dst '' 31 45200 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test, dst C:\tmp\test, flags 0x30008, rc 0 40 45240 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test) 30 45270 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 34 45304 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFF9CA0) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 28 45332 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test), has_acls(1) 278 45610 [main] tar 20193 chdir: 0 = chdir() cygheap->cwd.posix '/tmp/test' native '\??\C:\tmp\test' 28 45638 [main] tar 20193 fchdir: 0 = fchdir(4) 28 45666 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src Desktops 30 45696 [main] tar 20193 cwdstuff::get: posix /tmp/test 31 45727 [main] tar 20193 cwdstuff::get: (/tmp/test) = cwdstuff::get (0x800000010, 32768, 1, 0), errno 0 26 45753 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test/Desktops = normalize_posix_path (Desktops) 26 45779 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test/Desktops) 32 45811 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test/Desktops', dst '' 31 45842 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test/Desktops, dst C:\tmp\test\Desktops, flags 0x30008, rc 0 41 45883 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test\Desktops) 46 45929 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 81 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test\Desktops, 0xFFFF9D60) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x98) 28 45957 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test\Desktops), has_acls(1) 26 45983 [main] tar 20193 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180360B70, dev 000000C3 27 46010 [main] tar 20193 read_ea: read_ea (\??\C:\tmp\test\Desktops, (null), 0x800045D00, 1024) 39 46049 [main] tar 20193 seterrno_from_nt_status: /home/corinna/src/cygwin/cygwin-3.2.0/cygwin-3.2.0-1.x86_64/src/newlib-cygwin/winsup/cygwin/ntea.cc:77 status 0xC0000279 -> windows error 1920 29 46078 [main] tar 20193 geterrno_from_win_error: unknown windows error 1920, setting errno to 13 26 46104 [main] tar 20193 read_ea: -1 = read_ea(\??\C:\tmp\test\Desktops, (null), 0x800045D00, 1024) 27 46131 [main] tar 20193 chdir: dir '/tmp/test' 25 46156 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: src /tmp/test 25 46181 [main] tar 20193 normalize_posix_path: /tmp/test = normalize_posix_path (/tmp/test) 27 46208 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/tmp/test) 26 46234 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::cygdrive_win32_path: src '/tmp/test', dst '' 27 46261 [main] tar 20193 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /tmp/test, dst C:\tmp\test, flags 0x30008, rc 0 40 46301 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0x0 = NtCreateFile (\??\C:\tmp\test) 31 46332 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: not a symlink 31 46363 [main] tar 20193 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check(C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFF9CA0) (mount_flags 0x30008, path_flags 0x0) 28 46391 [main] tar 20193 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\tmp\test), has_acls(1) 67 46458 [main] tar 20193 chdir: 0 = chdir() cygheap->cwd.posix '/tmp/test' native '\??\C:\tmp\test' 27 46485 [main] tar 20193 fchdir: 0 = fchdir(5) 25 46510 [main] tar 20193 close: close(5) 33 46543 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::close: closing '/tmp/test' handle 0x148 32 46575 [main] tar 20193 close: 0 = close(5) tar 621 47196 [main] tar 20193 write: 3 = write(2, 0xFFFFCC50, 3) : 54 47250 [main] tar 20193 write: 1 = write(2, 0x18028AC80, 1) 188 47438 [main] tar 20193 write: 1 = write(2, 0x18028AC74, 1) Desktops 126 47564 [main] tar 20193 write: 8 = write(2, 0x100479F00, 8) : Warning: Cannot 50 47614 [main] tar 20193 write: 18 = write(2, 0x1004698C0, 18) llistxattrat 50 47664 [main] tar 20193 write: 12 = write(2, 0x1004697CF, 12) : 119 47783 [main] tar 20193 write: 2 = write(2, 0x18028AC84, 2) Permission denied 51 47834 [main] tar 20193 write: 17 = write(2, 0x18028ADD0, 17) 198 48032 [main] tar 20193 write: 1 = write(2, 0x18023EEC7, 1) 624 48656 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::fstat_helper: 0 = fstat (\??\C:\tmp\test, 0xFFFFC4C0) st_size=0, st_mode=040777, st_ino=83035118129715473st_atim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 st_ctim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 st_mtim=60E0CD26.14FA91A0 st_birthtim=60E0CCC5.81AABA0 32 48688 [main] tar 20193 fstat64: 0 = fstat(4, 0xFFFFC4C0) 50 48738 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_disk_file::closedir: 0 = closedir(0x800046520, /tmp/test) 27 48765 [main] tar 20193 close: close(4) 26 48791 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::close: closing '/tmp/test' handle 0x144 36 48827 [main] tar 20193 close: 0 = close(4) 79 48906 [main] tar 20193 closedir: 0 = closedir(0x800046520) 702 49608 [main] tar 20193 close: close(3) 27 49635 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::close: closing '/dev/null' handle 0x13C 28 49663 [main] tar 20193 close: 0 = close(3) 256 49919 [main] tar 20193 munmap: munmap (addr 0x6FFFFEE0000, len 1179648) 206 50125 [main] tar 20193 munmap: 0 = munmap(): 0x6FFFFEE0000 124 50249 [main] tar 20193 close: close(1) 25 50274 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::close: closing '/tmp/out' handle 0x27C 35 50309 [main] tar 20193 close: 0 = close(1) 230 50539 [main] tar 20193 close: close(2) 27 50566 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::close: closing '/tmp/out' handle 0x234 33 50599 [main] tar 20193 close: 0 = close(2) 222 50821 [main] tar 20193 do_exit: do_exit (0), exit_state 1 25 50846 [main] tar 20193 void: 0x0 = signal (20, 0x1) 29 50875 [main] tar 20193 void: 0x0 = signal (1, 0x1) 30 50905 [main] tar 20193 void: 0x0 = signal (2, 0x1) 31 50936 [main] tar 20193 void: 0x0 = signal (3, 0x1) 33 50969 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::close_with_arch: line 1179: /dev/pty1<0x18035F3A0> usecount + -1 = 1 30 50999 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::close_with_arch: not closing archetype 32 51031 [main] tar 20193 init_cygheap::close_ctty: closing cygheap->ctty 0x18035F3A0 30 51061 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_base::close_with_arch: closing passed in archetype 0x0, usecount 0 31 51092 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::cleanup: /dev/pty1 closed, usecount 0 33 51125 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_slave::close: closing last open /dev/pty1 handle 94 51219 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_console::free_console: freed console, res 1 31 51250 [main] tar 20193 fhandler_pty_common::close: pty1 <0xE8,0xF4> closing 28 51278 [main] tar 20193 dtable::delete_archetype: deleting element 0 for /dev/pty1(136/1) 29 51307 [main] tar 20193 getpid: 20193 = getpid() 25 51332 [main] tar 20193 proc_terminate: child_procs count 0 27 51359 [main] tar 20193 proc_terminate: leaving 37 51396 [main] tar 20193 pinfo::exit: Calling dlls.cleanup_forkables n 0x0, exitcode 0x0 28 51424 [main] tar 20193 pinfo::exit: Calling ExitProcess n 0x0, exitcode 0x0 --- Process 5412 (pid: 20193) thread 6948 exited with status 0x0 --- Process 5412 (pid: 20193) exited with status 0x0