On 01/08/17 15:59, Ronald Fischer wrote: Subject: Bug in zsh and bash with builtin ls when colorization is used and the filename starts with a drive letter > I have in my .zshrc:> > alias "ls=ls --color=auto"> export> LS_COLORS="di=1;4;33:*rc=7:*.rb=32:*.irbrc=32:*.sh=36:*.zsh=36:*.bak=2:*~=2:*.log=34;*.txt=34:ex=1" It looks like your LS_COLORS line is malformed, the character after the "*.log=34" should be the ':' colon (as a separator) rather than the ';' semi-colon as a ANSI Escape SGR sequence separator/continuation character...! HTH Stephen 8-) {I code for a MUD client so have up close and personal interactions with ANSI ESC Codes 8-P }