Hi, I 'm trying to schedule a shell script on cygwin using cron. No matter what I do I don't seem to get the cron job executing my bash script. My script is temp.sh echo `date` > /home/test/temp.log crontab -e is having the following details * * * * * sh /home/test/temp.sh > /home/test/temp.sh.err 2>&1 I did use the paths in the script itself and I also used the windows path where the cygwin installed(/cygdrive/d/cygwin/). I also tried using the following by editing the crontab: * * * * * date > /home/test/date.txt Still not working. I don't have administrator login. I ran the cron_diagnose.sh and it din't give me any errors. Please find the attached cronbug.txt Thanks Shashi The information in this electronic mail message is sender's business Confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this Internet electronic mail message by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. The sender believes that this E-mail and any attachments were free of any virus, worm, Trojan horse, and/or malicious code when sent. This message and its attachments could have been infected during transmission. By reading the message and opening any attachments, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and remedial action about viruses and other defects. Travelport Inc. is not liable for any loss or damage arising in any way from this message or its attachments.