On 1/9/19 7:43 PM, Lee wrote: >> MSVCR = MicroSoft Visual C Run-time (I think) > Yes, as implemented by msvcrt.dll. > Meaning i686-w64-mingw32-gcc uses the Microsoft libraries vs. cygwin > gcc using posix compliant libraries? Implying LC_MESSAGES not being > defined is yet another instance of Microsoft not following accepted > standards? > Cygwin has its own runtime, Windows has its own. Microsoft does whatever it well pleases, it never did claim POSIX or ISO C compliance. See the printf/scanf hacks in mingw. > The background for my question is https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5/issues/770 > Tidy removed the setlocale call from the library init function, so if > users want a specific locale/language they're going to have to set it > up themselves. > I'd like to update the tidylib example code showing how to set the language, but > setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); > tidySetLanguage( setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, NULL) ); > probably isn't a good example if LC_MESSAGES is missing on some systems. > > Thanks > Lee > Unfortunately, I don't know how that should be implemented on top of a proprietary runtime layer, or any alternative function calls for that matter.