Hi! Since recently I used some Cygwin 1.5 version. This worked very well. Lately I switched to Cygwin 1.7.1 and ran into a problem described below. I switched to Cygwin 1.7.2 hoping that my problem is solved but unfortunately this is not the case. Since the switch to Cygwin 1.7 I have a strange problem with my `tcsh`. I'm using an extensive startup script which hangs occasionally. I added `set echo` so I was able to identify the spots where the occasional hangs occur. I isolated the problem into the appended script. Sometimes it runs fine and sometimes it hangs in one of the commands. You should be able to run tcsh -f tcsh_problems.csh My guess is that it has to do with the pipes used in the commands executed. When a hang occurs one or more of the commands in the pipeline are not shown to be executed. In any case I had this problem only for commands which involved pipes. If I understood the release notes correctly then pipe handling has been changed since 1.5. I added the output of `cygcheck -svr`. I had to remove some information for privacy reasons, however. Important information: Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 Cygwin DLL version info: DLL version: 1.7.2 DLL epoch: 19 DLL old termios: 5 DLL malloc env: 28 Cygwin conv: 181 API major: 0 API minor: 225 Shared data: 5 DLL identifier: cygwin1 Mount registry: 3 Cygwin registry name: Cygwin Program options name: Program Options Installations name: Installations Cygdrive default prefix: Build date: Wed Mar 24 21:12:48 CET 2010 Shared id: cygwin1S5 I'd be glad if you have a workaround for this problem. Otherwise I'd be happy if I contributed a bug report in the hope of improving this cool software further. I'm not subscribed to the mailing list, so please Cc: me for replies. Kind regards Stefan