On Sat, 2021-08-07 at 13:33 -0600, Brian Inglis wrote: > > Works Just Fine For Me! > > With files as described, and LESS/-OPEN/-CLOSE unset, running > /usr/bin/less, the first file is displayed with the end of its bottom > line on the bottom line of the window, just above the less status line; > pressing Home/End displays start of top line at top, or end of bottom > line at bottom of window, "G" displays end of bottom line at bottom of > window; no lines or characters missing; > subsequent files in same run after :n, displayed with start of top line > at top of window; pressing Home/End displays start of top line at top, > or end of bottom line at bottom of window, "G" displays end of bottom > line at bottom of window; no lines or characters missing. > > With settings below, first file displayed with start of top line at top > of window; pressing Home/End displays start of top line at top, or end > of bottom line at bottom of window, "G" displays end of bottom line at > bottom of window; no lines or characters missing. > > > > I get the same behaviour with no/same settings and no issues under Linux. > > > Is there a setting I am missing, or is this just a bug? > > As requested for problem reporting, please attach the file with the > output from "cygcheck -hrsv" as text, if nothing below helps. > > Make sure everything is up to date with no package issues: see output > from above. > > Are you running under Cygwin 64, or 32 with no rebase issues, and no > other issues shown in /var/log/setup.log.full? > This is Cygwin 64 on Windows 10 in a VirtualBox VM, cygcheck output attached. It has been a while since I updated Cygwin; as long as it serves my purpose, I generally don't focus on that; it is just a tool I use. Since I did open this thread, of course I need to make sure I am up-to-date. I have now done that and I don't see issues with Cygwin terminal and less, although that is not really where I am focusing. I mostly use xterm windows just because there are several characteristics I like about it. I am still seeing issues with xterm and less, as I stated in my original post. Linus