On Tuesday, November 07, 2017 7:12 AM Brian Inglis wrote: >On 2017-11-06 14:59, Will Parsons wrote: >> Will Parsons wrote: >>> I asked about what I thought was a shell scripting problem: >>> PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/c/Windows/system32:/c/Windows:/c/Windows/system32/wbem:/c/ProgramData/Oracle/Java/javapath:/c/Program:Files/Common:Files/Microsoft:Shared/Windows:Live:/c/Program:Files:(x86)/Common:Files/Microsoft:Shared/Windows:Live:/c/Program:Files/Dell/DW:WLAN:Card:/c/Program:Files:(x86)/Intel/iCLS:Client:/c/Program:Files/Intel/iCLS:Client:/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/c/Program:Files/WIDCOMM/Bluetooth:Software:/c/Program:Files/WIDCOMM/Bluetooth:Software/syswow64:/c/Program:Files:(x86)/Windows:Live/Shared:/c/Program:Files:(x86)/Bazaar:/c/Program:Files:(x86)/QuickTime/QTSystem:/c/cygwin/home/william/bin:/c/ezwinports/bin:/c/Program:Files:(x86)/PuTTY:/usr/lib/lapack >>> >>> This doesn't look right, and would explain the strange shell output I >>> reported. (The value of PATH under bash looks normal.) Did the installation >>> of tcsh somehow get corrupted? I don't remember a particularly recent update >>> to tcsh. How are you setting path? Do you have anything in your .cshrc/.login file? Most likely, you are doing it wrong. >> >> Another bit of info - I just noticed that the value of the (t)csh shell >> variable 'path' is: >> > >In csh, "PATH" is a standard Unix environment variable whose value is a colon >separated directory list, and "path" is a shell wordlist kept synchonized with >"PATH". >To list the wordlist entries with embedded spaces in csh, quote the variable >name with the :q modifier in a foreach loop wordlist, and you get the desired >result as easily as in your sh script [trimmed and ...s redacted]: > >.......% foreach p ( $path:q ) >foreach? echo $p >foreach? end And that is also key for setting path: set path = ( ... $path:q ) I had this bug ($path instead of $path:q) for 20 years in my init files. BKCB؛[H\ܝΈY[K؛[\˚[BTNY[K٘\KB[][ێY[K˚[B[XܚXH[ΈY[K[ [XܚXK\[\CBB