Hello, I hope I'm using the right list! I have an X application that uses the cygwin X Server XWin. It works fine on Windows: * When I launch the application, XWin launches, then the X app raises it's window. When I install this application (and cygwin and XWin) on a virtual machine, I have a DISPLAY issue: * If I log into the virtual machine from , I can launch and run the app just fine. * However, if I then try to log into the virtual machine from another computer and launch the app...the app launches on the first machine's display...so I have 2 copies of it running on that display now. * Typically, I'd set DISPLAY=:0.0 for the first machine, and DISPLAY=:0.0 for the second machine * The problem is, the virtual machine is the only machine here, it only has 1 IP address * I don't know how to set multiple DISPLAY when using the same virtual machine with the same IP address from 2 different machines. * I have tried setting the DISPLAY to the IP addresses of the client machines, this does not work (unable to open display). * I have also tried setting DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 for one machine and DISPLAY=localhost:0.1 for the other machine...this also does not work * XWin is unable to open display localhost:0.1 Any help greatly appreciated! I'm sure it must be possible to launch the X app on the virtual machine from different clients and have the display on their respective displays? I just can't see how to set the display. thanks