On 6/22/2016 3:43 PM, Bill Zissimopoulos wrote: > > The bigger question is whether the Cygwin community would want a package > like this. The obvious answer might be yes (I hope), but there is a large > caveat. WinFsp includes a kernel-mode driver that needs to be built using > Microsoft tools and signed using an EV certificate. In fact it looks like > those requirements will only get harder as time passes -- soon we may need > a sysdev account just to sign drivers. This means that the familiar model > of getting the source and compiling everything using Cygwin tools cannot > work here. I believe that as of Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and Server 2016 Secure Boot becomes mandatory for new installations and with Secure Boot comes the requirement that all device drivers (including file system drivers) be signed by Microsoft. Jeffrey Altman