After being a long-time user of the official (MinGW-based) Emacs for Windows, I am making the transition to Cygwin's emacs-w32, mainly to profit from the large base of supplementary packages in Cygwin and the automated update via setup. The transition has not been completely smooth, though, for the following reasons: - Windows desktop-integration: The official emacs comes with the emacsclientw client, which can be very easily leveraged for desktp-integration via Open With and SendTo. For emacs-w32 I had to cobble up my own solution using run ... but actually it should be no problem to patch configuration to build emacsclientw on Cygwin, too. - Crash in server-mode: One of the advantages of Cygwin emacs-w32 is that it supports the server-mode via invocation with --daemon (also coming soon to official Emacs!). But using emacsclient wihtout any options first gives an error and then crashes emacs-w32. See attachment "emacs-test" and the cygcheck -svr output for my primary machine in attachmetn 2. I do have an easy work-around by calling emacsclient with the -c option to pop up a new frame - arguably the way to go on the Windows desktop anyway ... - Crash in About Emacs: On another machine with (in contrast to my primary machine) very lean installation (see attachment 3) emacs-w32 crashes when I open the About Emacs page from the Help menu. My hunch is that some image-library is missing in this lean installation to show the big GNU Emacs logo, but I cannot make head or tail of the stackdump (attachment 4). Any ideas on the 2. and 3. issue? Regards, Martin