On 23/07/2020 10:36, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote: > Hi all, > > I have noticed that after plugging in a USB drive, device files appear > in /dev that correlate to the partitions on the drive. > > This is great because it means things like ddrescue can work in Cygwin, > but I'm not yet sure how to relate these to the drives Windows sees. > None of the standard Linux tools I use to gather system information > (lsblk, blkid, lshw) seem to be available on Cygwin. I'm guessing this > is because they won't work because there's no kernel or low level > hardware access or something like that. Does anyone know how to do this? > > Hamish > Just replying to note that I found https://www.cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using-specialnames.html, which covers some of my question. However, some things (like build in CD/DVD drives) don't show up in /proc/partitions, so that's still not ideal. Also is there any way I can get Make/Model and similar information from Cygwin? I know I can use WMIC or PowerShell for this, but I'm assuming having a Cygwin package depending on those is a big no-no, even as an alternate code path if they are detected? Sorry for all the newbie questions! Hamish