From: David Billinghurst > On 8/09/2017 14:39, Ben Stover via cygwin wrote: > > > Assume I get to another (Windows) computer where Cygwin is already > installed. > > > > How can I find out which version of Cygwin is currently installed? > cygcheck --version             # for cygwin dll > ... This isn't technically correct, right? This gives the version of cygcheck itself, not the cygwin DLL, which is what was really being requested. Instead, use: cygcheck -c cygwin Or, as I do (and Corinna already suggested): uname -a or, more quietly: uname -r --Ken Nellis ТÒÐÐ¥&ö&ÆVÒ&W÷'G3¢‡GG¢òö7–wv–âæ6öÒ÷&ö&ÆV×2æ‡FÖÀФd¢‡GG¢òö7–wv–âæ6öÒöfðФFö7VÖVçFF–ö㢇GG¢òö7–wv–âæ6öÒöFö72æ‡FÖÀÐ¥Vç7V'67&–&R–æfó¢‡GG¢òö7–wv–âæ6öÒöÖÂò7Vç7V'67&–&R×6–×ÆPРÐ