From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: "Kai-Uwe Rommel" To: Subject: B20.1: small change for dlltool to enhance portability Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 09:23:00 -0000 Message-id: X-SW-Source: 1999-03/msg00172.html I maintain several packages that are compiled with GNU gcc compilers for the OS/2 and Win32 platforms. I use emx+gcc for OS/2 and CygWin and MinGW32 for Win32. One example is the official RCS 5.7 release for the PC that I maintain. Some of these packages also contain DLLs (such as RCS, in which I put the shared code into a rcslib.dll). With the current tools, I can maintain a maximum of portability of the code between Win32 and OS/2 with only a different header file and Makefiles. However, I need to use differen .DEF files for building DLLs because I need to use additional statements in .DEF files for OS/2. These are part of the Microsoft/IBM defined syntax of .DEF files but are only meaningful for some linkers (on OS/2, mostly) and are silently ignored by other linkers. However, the GNU binary utilities do NOT silently ignore these additional keywords which forces me to maintain different .DEF files just because of one single line in them (I do not want to use sed commands in Makefiles in order to keep build procedures as simple as possible). So what I did was adding support for these keywords to the dlltool's scanner and parser grammars. Since they have no meaning to CygWin and MinGW32, no other functionality has to be added. The dlltool utility, with this patch, now silently ignores the following additional keywords: a) The DATA statement now can contain the attributes NONSHARED, SINGLE and MULTIPLE. b) The LIBRARY statement now can contain the attributes INITINSTANCE, INITGLOBAL, TERMINSTANCE and TERMGLOBAL. As I said above, they have no meaning and are silently ignored, just for portability reasons. I append the small context diff to this message as an attachment. It is relative to the source code in the B20.1 source code package. Please add it to future releases. Kai Uwe Rommel -- /* Kai Uwe Rommel ARS Computer & Consulting GmbH * * ( ) Muenchen, Germany * * ( maintenance) */ (See attached file: dlltool.dif) From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: "Kai-Uwe Rommel" To: Subject: B20.1: small change for dlltool to enhance portability Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 19:45:00 -0000 Message-ID: X-SW-Source: 1999-03n/msg00172.html Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------=_1583532708-65105-17" Message-ID: <19990331194500.UnvZcq2UcJaTMbK3tzJIY850QlY3pGvY72n1jYYyIfU@z> This is a multi-part message in MIME format... ------------=_1583532708-65105-17 Content-length: 2080 I maintain several packages that are compiled with GNU gcc compilers for the OS/2 and Win32 platforms. I use emx+gcc for OS/2 and CygWin and MinGW32 for Win32. One example is the official RCS 5.7 release for the PC that I maintain. Some of these packages also contain DLLs (such as RCS, in which I put the shared code into a rcslib.dll). With the current tools, I can maintain a maximum of portability of the code between Win32 and OS/2 with only a different header file and Makefiles. However, I need to use differen .DEF files for building DLLs because I need to use additional statements in .DEF files for OS/2. These are part of the Microsoft/IBM defined syntax of .DEF files but are only meaningful for some linkers (on OS/2, mostly) and are silently ignored by other linkers. However, the GNU binary utilities do NOT silently ignore these additional keywords which forces me to maintain different .DEF files just because of one single line in them (I do not want to use sed commands in Makefiles in order to keep build procedures as simple as possible). So what I did was adding support for these keywords to the dlltool's scanner and parser grammars. Since they have no meaning to CygWin and MinGW32, no other functionality has to be added. The dlltool utility, with this patch, now silently ignores the following additional keywords: a) The DATA statement now can contain the attributes NONSHARED, SINGLE and MULTIPLE. b) The LIBRARY statement now can contain the attributes INITINSTANCE, INITGLOBAL, TERMINSTANCE and TERMGLOBAL. As I said above, they have no meaning and are silently ignored, just for portability reasons. I append the small context diff to this message as an attachment. It is relative to the source code in the B20.1 source code package. Please add it to future releases. Kai Uwe Rommel -- /* Kai Uwe Rommel ARS Computer & Consulting GmbH * * ( ) Muenchen, Germany * * ( maintenance) */ (See attached file: dlltool.dif) ------------=_1583532708-65105-17 Content-Type: text/x-diff; charset=us-ascii; name="dlltool.dif" Content-Disposition: inline; filename="dlltool.dif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Length: 3282 KioqIGRlZnBhcnNlLnl+CVR1ZSBPY3QgMjcgMDI6MDQ6MTAgMTk5OA0KLS0t IGRlZnBhcnNlLnkJU3VuIE1hciAwNyAxNjowNzo1MCAxOTk5DQoqKioqKioq KioqKioqKioNCioqKiAzMCwzNiAqKioqDQogIA0KICAldG9rZW4gTkFNRSwg TElCUkFSWSwgREVTQ1JJUFRJT04sIFNUQUNLU0laRSwgSEVBUFNJWkUsIENP REUsIERBVEENCiAgJXRva2VuIFNFQ1RJT05TLCBFWFBPUlRTLCBJTVBPUlRT LCBWRVJTSU9OSywgQkFTRSwgQ09OU1RBTlQNCiEgJXRva2VuIFJFQUQgV1JJ VEUgRVhFQ1VURSBTSEFSRUQgTk9OQU1FDQogICV0b2tlbiA8aWQ+IElEDQog ICV0b2tlbiA8bnVtYmVyPiBOVU1CRVINCiAgJXR5cGUgIDxudW1iZXI+IG9w dF9iYXNlIG9wdF9vcmRpbmFsIG9wdF9OT05BTUUgb3B0X0NPTlNUQU5UIG9w dF9EQVRBDQotLS0gMzAsMzcgLS0tLQ0KICANCiAgJXRva2VuIE5BTUUsIExJ QlJBUlksIERFU0NSSVBUSU9OLCBTVEFDS1NJWkUsIEhFQVBTSVpFLCBDT0RF LCBEQVRBDQogICV0b2tlbiBTRUNUSU9OUywgRVhQT1JUUywgSU1QT1JUUywg VkVSU0lPTkssIEJBU0UsIENPTlNUQU5UDQohICV0b2tlbiBSRUFEIFdSSVRF IEVYRUNVVEUgU0hBUkVEIE5PTlNIQVJFRCBOT05BTUUNCiEgJXRva2VuIFNJ TkdMRSBNVUxUSVBMRSBJTklUSU5TVEFOQ0UgSU5JVEdMT0JBTCBURVJNSU5T VEFOQ0UgVEVSTUdMT0JBTA0KICAldG9rZW4gPGlkPiBJRA0KICAldG9rZW4g PG51bWJlcj4gTlVNQkVSDQogICV0eXBlICA8bnVtYmVyPiBvcHRfYmFzZSBv cHRfb3JkaW5hbCBvcHRfTk9OQU1FIG9wdF9DT05TVEFOVCBvcHRfREFUQQ0K KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqDQoqKiogNDUsNTEgKioqKg0KICANCiAgY29tbWFu ZDogDQogIAkJTkFNRSBvcHRfbmFtZSBvcHRfYmFzZSB7IGRlZl9uYW1lICgk MiwgJDMpOyB9DQohIAl8CUxJQlJBUlkgb3B0X25hbWUgb3B0X2Jhc2UgeyBk ZWZfbGlicmFyeSAoJDIsICQzKTsgfQ0KICAJfAlFWFBPUlRTIGV4cGxpc3Qg DQogIAl8CURFU0NSSVBUSU9OIElEIHsgZGVmX2Rlc2NyaXB0aW9uICgkMik7 fQ0KICAJfAlTVEFDS1NJWkUgTlVNQkVSIG9wdF9udW1iZXIgeyBkZWZfc3Rh Y2tzaXplICgkMiwgJDMpO30NCi0tLSA0Niw1MiAtLS0tDQogIA0KICBjb21t YW5kOiANCiAgCQlOQU1FIG9wdF9uYW1lIG9wdF9iYXNlIHsgZGVmX25hbWUg KCQyLCAkMyk7IH0NCiEgCXwJTElCUkFSWSBvcHRfbmFtZSBvcHRfYmFzZSBv cHRpb25fbGlzdCB7IGRlZl9saWJyYXJ5ICgkMiwgJDMpOyB9DQogIAl8CUVY UE9SVFMgZXhwbGlzdCANCiAgCXwJREVTQ1JJUFRJT04gSUQgeyBkZWZfZGVz Y3JpcHRpb24gKCQyKTt9DQogIAl8CVNUQUNLU0laRSBOVU1CRVIgb3B0X251 bWJlciB7IGRlZl9zdGFja3NpemUgKCQyLCAkMyk7fQ0KKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqDQoqKiogMTEyLDExNyAqKioqDQotLS0gMTEzLDEyMSAtLS0tDQogIAl8 CVdSSVRFIHsgJCQgPSAyO30JDQogIAl8CUVYRUNVVEUgeyAkJD00O30NCiAg CXwJU0hBUkVEIHsgJCQ9ODt9DQorIAl8CU5PTlNIQVJFRCB7ICQkPTA7fQ0K KyAJfAlTSU5HTEUgeyAkJD0wO30NCisgCXwJTVVMVElQTEUgeyAkJD0wO30N CiAgCTsNCiAgDQogIG9wdF9DT05TVEFOVDoNCioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKg0K KioqIDE1MywxNTcgKioqKg0KLS0tIDE1NywxNzEgLS0tLQ0KICAJfAl7ICQk PS0xO30NCiAgCTsNCiAgDQorIG9wdGlvbl9saXN0Og0KKyAJb3B0aW9uX2xp c3Qgb3B0X2NvbW1hIG9wdGlvbg0KKyAJfCBvcHRpb24NCisgCTsNCiAgDQor IG9wdGlvbjogCUlOSVRJTlNUQU5DRQ0KKyAJfAlJTklUR0xPQkFMDQorIAl8 CVRFUk1JTlNUQU5DRQ0KKyAJfAlURVJNR0xPQkFMDQorIAl8DQorIAk7DQog IA0KKioqIGRlZmxleC5sfglUaHUgRmViIDEyIDIyOjI2OjU2IDE5OTgNCi0t LSBkZWZsZXgubAlTdW4gTWFyIDA3IDE2OjAzOjEzIDE5OTkNCioqKioqKioq KioqKioqKg0KKioqIDUwLDU1ICoqKioNCi0tLSA1MCw2MyAtLS0tDQogICJX UklURSIJCXsgcmV0dXJuIFdSSVRFO30NCiAgIkVYRUNVVEUiCXsgcmV0dXJu IEVYRUNVVEU7fQ0KICAiU0hBUkVEIgl7IHJldHVybiBTSEFSRUQ7fQ0KKyAi Tk9OU0hBUkVEIgl7IHJldHVybiBOT05TSEFSRUQ7fQ0KKyAiU0lOR0xFIgl7 IHJldHVybiBTSU5HTEU7fQ0KKyAiTVVMVElQTEUiCXsgcmV0dXJuIE1VTFRJ UExFO30NCisgIklOSVRJTlNUQU5DRSIJeyByZXR1cm4gSU5JVElOU1RBTkNF O30NCisgIklOSVRHTE9CQUwiCXsgcmV0dXJuIElOSVRHTE9CQUw7fQ0KKyAi VEVSTUlOU1RBTkNFIgl7IHJldHVybiBURVJNSU5TVEFOQ0U7fQ0KKyAiVEVS TUdMT0JBTCIJeyByZXR1cm4gVEVSTUdMT0JBTDt9DQorIA0KICANCiAgWzAt OV1beDAtOUEtRmEtZl0qIHsgeXlsdmFsLm51bWJlciA9IHN0cnRvbCAoeXl0 ZXh0LDAsMCk7IA0KICAJCXJldHVybiBOVU1CRVI7IH0NCg== ------------=_1583532708-65105-17--