Tried google and found similar, but not the exact issue I'm seeing. I'm running Windows 7 and trying to run a simple bash one-liner using grep: [vmorales@D630-Vmorales ~]# uname -a CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 D630-Vmorales 1.7.17(0.262/5/3) 2012-10-19 14:39 i686 Cygwin I'm essentially trying to take the contents of one file, and use it as input for a grep command against another file, but I do not get any results, even though I know the 2nd file contains a match. In the one-liner below, I include an "echo" to confirm the output is in the variable that should be used with the grep command. [vmorales@D630-Vmorales ~]# for i in `cat file-a.txt`; do echo $i; grep $i file-b.txt; done alpha beta charlie delta echo [vmorales@D630-Vmorales ~]# grep charlie file-b.txt charlie,13 This is pretty straight-forward and can't think of what I may be missing here. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Vlad