Hi, Running "composer install" with the following composer.json ends up in a segmentation fault. ---------- START ----------- { "require": { "propel/propel": "~2.0@dev" }, "config": { "optimize-autoloader": true } } ---------- END ------------- (*) Note: when "optimize-autoloader" is set to false the error doesn't occur. Attached are the segfault core dump file (I didn't edit the stack trace, it's empty) + cygcheck.out (with sensitive data edited out). I tested the following cases: - PHP 7.0.18 - PHP 7.0.19 - PHP 5.6.10. - After rebase all - After a reinstall (setup -> category view -> all -> reinstall) - After a fresh cygwin 32-bit install in an empty directory (this is the version I run with for years) - After a fresh cygwin 64-bit install in an empty directory My reason for thinking this is a cygwin issue is that this behavior doesn't repeat under Ubuntu distros, both running in a VirtualBox VM and via Bash/WSL (a.k.a.: Bash on Ubuntu on Windows). Would love to hear of a fix/workaround for this issue. Thanks.