On Tue, 31 Oct 2023 at 22:58, Jānis Ķengurs via Cygwin wrote: > I wanted to use some KVM or Qemu or something on linux and windows that can > fast open iso files for testing > Downloaded on Windows 10 > Here shows what depends on this install, but does it select all files it > needs? > https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/virt-manager.html > Cant install Cygwin Virt-manager that asks for library that asks for > python2 > The error is weird- suggest to unselect, but people might not read, instead > error should open to install separate if need to install it seperate > > I selected that library also but now instllation for both files asking for > python2 > Problem 1/2 > nothing provides python2 needed by python2-libvirt-4.2.0-1 > Solution 1/1 (default) > - do not ask to install python2-libvirt-4.2.0-1 > Problem 2/2 > nothing provides python2 needed by virt-manager-1.5.1-2 > Solution 1/1 (default) > - do not ask to install virt-manager-1.5.1-2 > > BB > Save a tree. Please don't print this e-mail unless it's really necessary. > ᐧ > Python2 was removed in July, and per Jon's announcement it was expected this would break some orphaned packages: https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin-announce/2023-July/011186.html Kind regards Bill