Greetings-- In the process of fixing the Python test suite on Cygwin I ran across one test that was consistently causing segfaults later on, not directly local to that test. The test involves wcsxfrm so that's where I focused my attention. The attached test demonstrates the bug. Given an output buffer of N wide characters, wcsxfrm will cause bytes beyond the destination size to be reversed. I believe it might actually be a bug in the underlying LCMapStringW workhorse (this is on Windows 10; have not tested other versions). According to its docs [1], the cchDest argument (size of the destination buffer) is treated as a *byte* count when using LCMAP_SORTKEY. However, for the purposes of applying the LCMAP_BYTEREV transformation it seems to be treating the output size (in bytes) as character count. So in the example I give, where the output sort key is 7 bytes (including the null terminator), it swaps *14* bytes--the bytes including the sort key as well as the next 7 adjacent bytes. This is obviously a problem if the destination buffer is allocated out of some larger memory pool. This definitely has to be a bug, right? Or at least very poorly documented on MS's part. A workaround would either be to not use LCMAP_BYTEREV and just swap the bytes manually, or in a second call to LCMapStringW with LCMAP_BYTEREV and the correct character count... Thanks, Erik [1]