Hi All, Could I request for some help on some code? I ran into an error with semaphores with some book code using Cygwin on Windows. The code will throw an error with sem_post(). I compiled it with gcc -o memwriter memwriter.c -lrt -lpthread $ ./memwriter Shared memory address: 0x6fffffff0000 [0..511] backing file: /dev/shm/shMemEx semptr is address 0x7ffffcc18 with value 0 SEM_VALUE_MAX is 1147483648 sem_post: Invalid argument <--------------------------- ERROR According to feedback, the above error does not turn up on Linux. May I know if this is supposed to happen on Cygwin on Windows? If not, how can I solve this? I've also attached the code for reference. Thank you. Kind regards, YEO Kai Wei