I'm setting up a laptop running a 64-bit install of Windows 7. It has an Intel i5 chip, which I think is not a slow processor. I renamed .bashrc and such to be out of the way to have as unmodified an environment as I can think of. $ time echo hello hello real 0m0.000s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s $ cp /dev/null frog $ time cat frog real 0m1.259s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.015s # The next line has no effect - x is set in a subshell and thus lost. # It's a contrived example just to show performance of a pipe purely, # without extra delay due to forking programs. $ time echo hello | read x real 0m1.929s user 0m0.016s sys 0m0.062s I Googled a little, and a few messages suggest that forking new processes has been slow in 64-bit mode for a year or two. Have I done something to screw up performance? Is there anything I can do? Or is this indeed intrinsic to Cygwin, and is there any prospect of fixing this soon? -- Tim McDaniel, tmcd@panix.com