Rodrigo Medina wrote in > I have been using cygwin 1.3.22 in a W95 machine with no problems. > I am now installing cygwin 1.5.5 in another W95 machine. I get the > following crash: > > bash-2.05b$ ssh -l rmedina pion > Segmentation fault (core dumped) > bash-2.05b$ > > Rodrigo Medina > My further tests showed up that my ssh crash had a different cause: I´ve two users, root and ssh. ssh is the owner for the sshd that I run. When I call "ssh localhost" from each of the two users, it works fine. But when I do a su to switch to the other user, the ssh call crashes. When I use login to change to the other user, everythings works fine. So this seems to be a "su" issue. I read somewhere that su is no longer supported. Is this still true? Hope this may help for further development! Christian -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: