On Mon, 10 Jan 2022, Jeremy Drake wrote: > From https://github.com/msys2/MSYS2-packages/issues/2801 > > MSYS2 recently rebuilt GNU make 4.3, and I found that after rebuilding, it > broke rather horribly on i686, where any attempt to run a command resulted > in "Invalid argument" errors. Some debugging revealed that rebuilding > make resulted in it using posix_spawn now instead of vfork. Passing > --disable-posix-spawn to make's configure script results in a working i686 > make. > > Can you create a simple, self-contained testcase in plain C? Sorry, I am not subscribed to the list so don't have the message to reply to for threading purposes, but attached please find a C reproducer that works on x86_64 but fails on i686. The particular issue seems to be the POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS flag - not setting that allows i686 to succeed too.