Here is my take on the current status of Cygwin on Wine: At, Andrey Turkin took advantage of the recent Cygwin fork fix to provide an additional Wine fix (the small self-described "hackish" patch he gives there) that allowed setup.exe to complete without run-time issues (albeit with some non-zero return codes from the post-install scripts which I will discuss in more detail below). I would like to thank Achim Gratz for his suggestion in this thread of how to correctly update cygwin1.dll in the middle of a setup.exe run. I have implemented his suggestion as the (MSYS or Linux) bash script which is contained in the attached tarball along with associated setup.exe results. Here is how I used that script in practice On Linux: # Clean out previous Cygwin results completely rm -rf cygwin cygwin_packages # Clean startup of wine-1.6-rc4 built with patch mentioned above. # Normally does nothing, but sometimes the -k option kills something # that is left over from a previous wine run. wineserver -k # Start wine server wineserver -p # Start Wine in a bash environment wineconsole --backend=curses MinGW-4.7.2/msys/1.0/bin/bash.exe # From now on we are in the MSYS base on Wine environment. # Set PATH to point to MSYS (so that the bash script below will run) then # run bash.exe-3.1$ ./setup.exe -n -N -d -R /z/home/wine/newstart/cygwin \ -l /z/home/wine/newstart/cygwin_packages \ -s / -D >setup_download.out bash.exe-3.1$ ./ \ cygwin1-20130627.dll cygwin_packages bash.exe-3.1$ ./setup.exe -n -N -d -R /z/home/wine/newstart/cygwin \ -l /z/home/wine/newstart/cygwin_packages \ -s / -L >setup_install.out The resulting setup_download.out and setup_install.out files are contained in the attached tarball along with the script. I should also mention that cygwin1-20130627.dll (which contains the latest fork fix) was downloaded from the next to last Cygwin snapshot at and decompressed, and the version of setup.exe that was run (downloaded a few days ago from cygwin) is 2.774 according to its initial GUI. I have used explicit setup.exe options above to be clear on exactly what I did. For all else available in the setup GUI, I just took defaults such as not installing any additional packages, and using the recommended system install rather than individual install. The first "download" setup.exe invocation above had no obvious issues, and similarly for the run of (For the latter case I double checked that cygwin1-20130627.dll was identical to cygwin/bin/cygwin1.dll, i.e, the script worked properly). The second "install from local directory" setup.exe invocation above completed without run-time issues. (The first post-install script hangs indefinitely without the Andrey Turkin patch to Wine mentioned above.) However, there were 4 post-install scripts that generated non-zero return codes. Would someone take a look at setup_install.out in the attached tarball to see how serious they are? I have no idea about that question myself. They could be evidence of Wine issues (or Cygwin issues that are also seen on Microsoft Windows) or they could just be for the most part normal startup "chatter" when attempting to install Cygwin for the very first time that will go away for subsequent Cygwin use after this initial installation. The only one of the messages that seems obviously serious is rebase: failed to rename "/etc/rebase.db.RIRMJ5" to "/etc/rebase.db.i386": Invalid request code Manually rename "/etc/rebase.db.RIRMJ5" to "/etc/rebase.db.i386", otherwise the new rebase database will be unusable. So if the consensus here after looking at the setup_install.out results is that cygwin on Wine is more or less installed properly from these results (except for the rename issue above which I can fix by doing that rename manually as suggested by the error message), then the next order of business is to attempt to actually use that shiny new Cygwin install, but I will reserve my absolutely Cygwin newbie questions about how to do that for a different thread. Alan __________________________ Alan W. Irwin Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria ( Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation for stellar interiors (; the Time Ephemerides project (; PLplot scientific plotting software package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project ( __________________________ Linux-powered Science __________________________