posix_spawn(p) returns before the spawned process is fully up and running. As a result, the spawned process can fail to receive signals. The attached test case illustrates the problem. It spawns a sleep process and then tries to kill it. On exit, the sleep process is still running. The following excerpts from the strace output show the issue: The SIGTERM signal is sent after the main program has forked a subprocess (and posix_spawnp has returned), but before the forked subprocess has exec'd the sleep process: 559 32069 [main] spawn_test 4125 vfork: stub called 257 48437 [main] spawn_test 4125 dofork: 4126 = fork() 754 9511 [main] spawn_test 4126 dofork: 0 = fork() 66 48503 [main] spawn_test 4125 kill0: kill (4126, 15) 44 9555 [main] spawn_test 4126 find_exec: find_exec (/usr/bin/sleep) 42 10835 [main] spawn_test 4126 spawnve: spawnve (/usr/bin/sleep, sleep, 0x8000281A0) 45 3149 [main] sleep 4126 child_info::ready: signalled 0x164 that I was ready 6475 21055 [main] spawn_test 4126! child_info::sync: pid 45028, WFMO returned 0, exit_code 0x103, res 1 --- Process 45028 (pid: 4126) thread 41444 created Ken