Hi! Trying to install or upgrade cygwin silently. Calling a newly downloaded setup-x86_64.exe (Power Shell-snipplets): $URL = "https://www.cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe" $dlp = "C:\INSTALL\Apps\c\cygwin" $nsf = "$dlp\setup-x86_64.new" $isf = "$dlp\setup-x86_64.exe" $isl = "$dlp\setup-x86_64.log" $ise = "$dlp\setup-x86_64.err" $cll = "$dlp\setup-x86_64.cll" $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -OutFile $nsf $ProgressPreference = 'Continue' if (Test-Path -Path $isf -PathType Leaf) { Remove-Item -Path $isf } Rename-Item -Path $nsf -NewName $isf $SetupOpts = @{ FilePath = $isf ArgumentList = @( "--verbose", "--delete-orphans", "--upgrade-also", "--quiet-mode", "--wait", "--no-desktop", "--local-package-dir", "`"$localDir`"", "--proxy", "`":8080`"", "--root", "`"C:\cygwin`"" ) WindowStyle = "Hidden" PassThru = $True Wait = $True RedirectStandardOutput = "$isl" RedirectStandardError = "$ise" } $proc = Start-Process @SetupOpts Setup starts, but then does nothing. It does create the logs, but they do not contain anything. They stay empty. Anything missing from the options? Calling the power shell script from an elevated prompt directly seems to work as expected. It bails out if it is not an elevated prompt. Calling it remotely it hangs and nothing happens. Any idea? Any hint? -- Thomas