After some updates I get broken pipe messages when pressing 'q' to exit from less. The man pages are printed correctly. Some examples: $ man g++ sh: line 1: 1660 Broken pipe /usr/bin/gunzip -c '/usr/share/man/man 1/g++.1.gz' $ echo a|man bash sh: line 1: 3456 Broken pipe /usr/bin/gunzip -c '/usr/share/man/man 1/bash.1.gz' $ echo a|man rsync sh: line 1: 2748 Broken pipe /usr/bin/gunzip -c '/usr/share/man/man 1/rsync.1.gz' But: $ man bash $ man bc $ echo a|bc The pattern is that small man pages never break, medium and big break with echo a| in front (the smallest that failed this way is rsync.1.gz, 22kB) , huge break without any help (nothing smaller than gcc.1.gz or g++.1.gz didn't fail without echo a|). Any ideas? Krzysztof Duleba