Do you like that line, above the header of the page? I like ;) So, to do this, put this line in your jadetex.cfg file \def\headrulewidth{0.5\p@}% And you will have that line. To do this in the dsl style, it's also possible, but the space between the "Chapter 1. Blablabla" and the line, will be too big (0.5cm) So, do it in the style it's better. To create the same line, before the page number, do: \def\footrulewidth{0.5\p@}% hugs -- Ricardo Soares Guimarães (GNOME - Brazil / KDE Brazil) LDP-BR - LIE-BR +55 041-360-2682 uin: 39252777 As esplendidas fortunas - como os ventos impetuosos - provocam grandes naufragios. -- Plutarco