Le Tue, 07 Sep 1999, Rahul Dave a écrit : > Maybe the "canonical docbook RPMS should include the KDE customization > layer(which IMO does a aesthetically nicer job than Norm's defaults, for > admonitions at the very least), or cygnus-both.dsl ought to be split off > into a separate package? In this way, any project using docbook and a > customization layer need only produce a rpm/whatever of that customization > layer. Well, KDE's parametrization is very short and may not be of big interest to others, but I don't oppose that. Of course I need to have the advice of other folks here at KDE. Be aware that some features of this parametrization may seem restrictive or problematic to others : for example, we make the IDs mandatory for book's chapters, so that all HTML generated files have "human-readable" names. This may shortly become a pain in the neck. Eric -- __________________________________________________ .~. "Release of Windows 2000 has been /V\ postponed until January 1, 1901" // \\ /( )\ ^^-^^ __________________________________________________ Eric Bischoff - mailto:ebisch@cybercable.tm.fr