I am having a problem with eCos when I turn on asserts in eCos. I thought everything I/O related was working ok but when I turn on assertions, I get the following assertion error:   ASSERT FAIL: stream.cxx          [  79] Cyg_StdioStream::Cyg_StdioStream() Attempt to open invalid device!   The call stack looks like hal_misc.c\cyg_hal_invoke_constructors() Line #92 (0x0001C930)   stdout.cxx\global constructors keyed to 50000.cyg_libc_stdio_stdout() Line #90 (0x00020240)     stdiofiles.inl\__static_initialization_and_destruction_0() Line #83 (0x000200DC)       stream.cxx\Cyg_StdioStream::Cyg_StdioStream(void *, Cyg_StdioStream::OpenMode, bool, bool, int, unsigned int, unsigned char *)() Line #82 (0x00020328)         buffer.cxx\cyg_assert_fail() Line #741 (0x0001DE84)   It appears the Cyg_StdioStream::Cyg_StdioStream contructor is being passed a NULL for the device and the assertion catches that. I went further into the code and this originates in stdout.cxx cyg_libc_stdio_stdout() Line #90     // And here's an instance of the class just to make the code run   static cyg_libc_dummy_stdout_init_class cyg_libc_dummy_stdout_init                                           CYG_INIT_PRIORITY(LIBC)   The constructor ends up calling calling      Cyg_libc_stdio_files::set_file_stream( fd_t fd, Cyg_StdioStream *stream )   which invokes the Cyg_StdioStream::Cyg_StdioStream(cyg_io_handle_t dev, constructor with a null device.      CYG_CHECK_DATA_PTR(dev, "Attempt to open invalid device!");   Without asserts enabled my printf's to stdout seem to work fine. I am not sure about this dummy class and single static instance that causes the assertion to fail. The comment is my only clue to it's existence:   // This is a dummy class just so we can execute arbitrary code when // stdout is requested   Any ideas as to why I need this dummy class or why it might be blowing up?   Thanks, James     James Kahkoska jkahkoska@wire-less-inc.com 719-528-8885 x104