hi my name is carlos and I tried to work with ecos for 3 months ago. I have a win 98 with cygwin 1.1.8. For you to see I started with 1.1.4 version of cygwin I usually do a upgrade to the cygwin and do a check out to the repository,by the way that was another problem but I manage to put it working. I have a problem building the gnupro (gnu, binutils and gdb but mainly the gcc) so I tryed to download the tools already build from ftp://ftp.skynet.ie/pub/arm-tools-cd/ it worked one time (using ecosconfig in cygwin mode, configtool hangs my pc) with the 1.3.1 repository but now that I try to put it working with the cvs it doesn't work. It gives me this error that I attached. I'm trying to build it for a AEB-1 revision C but it keeps giving me the same error about the arm.inc in all the lines like parse error before for, stray \ in program, etc and etc I do ecosconfig new aeb all ecosconfis tree and make It builds the headers but hen it start to compile it gives me this error. I have a project that I need this board so please be kind enough to help. I also have some questions about interrupts and handles like how can I make a program with two threads, one that printf the cosine of a number and the other one (don't know if i need another one or if one thread is enough) that is only active when the push button of the AEB is pressed for example.The one near the reset button. Thanks in advance for the help. BTW I'm trying to add a board to the AEB with two more chip of SRAM 512 Kbytes and one more chip of flash with 1 Mb along with the other three that the board bring (2 SRAM and one FLASH). It's going to be build using almost the same maner that the other ones use. My other question is: is it to dificult to build the ecos OS for that board, I mean to use the RAM as a whole and the FLASH as a whole? Another BTW since I can't use the configtool in Win98 can I use it 100% in Win NT or win95?I also have RH6.2 in another partition, should I use it? Cya and best regards. Carlos Sobrinho PS:sorry for the bad english and the long long email... :)