Hello, I have known a little bit about Insight's(or GDB stub) not stopping at first breaking point(=cyg_start). Also I like to ask you a new-born question. First I re-state the problem. Insight does not stop at first break point(=cyg_start). I exchanged GDB commands on console window like these. --- (gdb) set remotebaud 57600 (gdb) set remotelogfile remote-5.log (gdb) target remote /dev/com4 Remote debugging using /dev/com4 0x000073a4 in ?? () (gdb) load Loading section .text, size 0x5d58a lma 0x410000 Loading section .rodata, size 0x431e lma 0x46d58a Loading section .data, size 0x16f8 lma 0x4718a8 Start address 0x410000, load size 405408 Transfer rate: 3 KB/sec, 63 bytes/write. (gdb) b cyg_start Note: breakpoints 1 (disabled), 2 (disabled), 3 (disabled) and 4 also set at pc 0x411dda. Breakpoint 5 at 0x411dda: file nc_test_slave.c, line 729. (gdb) c Continuing. Network stack using 69632 bytes for misc space 69632 bytes for mbufs 139264 bytes for mbuf clusters [cyg_net_init] Init: mbinit(0x00000000) [cyg_net_init] Init: cyg_net_init_devs(0x00000000) Init device 'dp83902a_eth0' DP83902A - eeprom ESA: 00:02:cb:01:42:b9 [cyg_net_init] Init: loopattach(0x00000000) [cyg_net_init] Init: ifinit(0x00000000) [cyg_net_init] Init: domaininit(0x00000000) [cyg_net_init] Init: cyg_net_add_domain(0x004728a8) New domain internet at 0x00000000 [cyg_net_init] Init: cyg_net_add_domain(0x00472298) New domain route at 0x00000000 [cyg_net_init] Init: call_route_init(0x00000000) [cyg_net_init] Done At this point it should stop at break point(=cyg_start),but it never reply nothing. --- I perused remote-5.log and learned GDB stub does not reply continue command. Here are excerpts of remote-5.log. --- c b cyg_start c c w $Z0,411dda,2#d3 r +$#00 w +$m411dda,2#8a r +$1aa2#25 w +$X411dda,2:\x01\x80#30 r +$OK#9a w +$vCont?#49 r +$#00 w +$Hc0#db r +$OK#9a w +$c#63 r +$O4E6574776F726B20737461636B207573696E6720363936333220627974657320666F72206D6973632073706163650A#0C w + -- omitted -- r $O5B6379675F6E65745F696E69745D20496E69743A2063616C6C5F726F7574655F696E69742830783030303030303030290A#5D w + r $O5B6379675F6E65745F696E69745D20446F6E650A#2D w + r + w \x03 ; I entered Ctr C. r End of log --- From here my explanation is from my instant knowlegde.Pardon if I misunderstood. GDB stub should cause TRAP exception at break point(cyg_start) address(=411dda). But there's no TRAP reply like T05. Because normally GDB stub refers to vector table at starting address(=410000) and cause TRAP exception. But there is no vector table at my starting address,so GDB could't cause TRAP exception. My current mlt_h8300_h8300h_aki3068net_ram.ldi is like next. --- SECTIONS { SECTIONS_BEGIN SECTION_text (ram, 0x410000, LMA_EQ_VMA) SECTION_fini (ram, ALIGN (0x1), LMA_EQ_VMA) SECTION_rodata (ram, ALIGN (0x1), LMA_EQ_VMA) --- I tentatively changed it like next. --- SECTIONS { SECTIONS_BEGIN SECTION_vectors (ram, 0x410000, LMA_EQ_VMA) SECTION_text (ram, ALIGN (0x4), LMA_EQ_VMA) SECTION_fini (ram, ALIGN (0x1), LMA_EQ_VMA) --- I could built libtarget.a. But Making of application caused next error. h8300-elf-gcc -mh -mint32 -nostartfiles -L/home/link/aki-net-0831-ALIGN4-2/untitled_install/lib -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-- Map -Wl,nc_test_slave.map -o nc_test_slave nc_test_slave.o -Ttarget.ld -nostdlib /gnutools/lib/gcc-lib/h8300-elf/3.3.2/../../../../h8300-elf/bin/ld:target.ld:26: parse error collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [nc_test_slave] Error 1 If my deduction is correct,how should I deploy vector table at staring address(=0x410000) ? I sent together log file,map file,and current rom.ldi ram.ldi rom.h ram.h files. Would you please help me ? m mariga