vasantha.rajan wrote: >On Tuesday 21 February 2006 15:09, you wrote: > >Hi Dirk , > >Thanks for your reply...... > >In my previous mail I asked one more question.....but did'nt get reply. > > > > [...] > > 1. I made CYGNUM_HAL_RTC_DENOMINATOR to 100000, (so that my > clock will trigger for 10us) and in my code if i initialize my alarm to >cyg_alarm_initialize( alarm_hdl, 100000 + cyg_current_time(), 0 ), my alarm > triggered for every 1 sec. > > If I reduce my value given to cyg_alarm_initialize() API to 10000 my alarm >triggered for every 0.1 sec ie, my code > count value increments to 10 for every second and still if reduce my value > to 1000 count value increments to 100 for every second,but if I still > reduce my value to 100 ,I expected the count value should increment to > 1000,but the count value increments upto some 350 approx. > > and if i still reduce my value to 10 or 1 my count only increments to 350 > only...why I am not getting the linear increment????????? > > my suspicion is that your system is increasingly busy/overloaded with doing interrupts and doesn't have enough cycles left to work through your thread's code...or in other words: you are using up your system's resources with servicing/trying to service the timer interrupts and you have no resources left for pretty much anything else. -- Dr Dirk Husemann, Pervasive Computing, IBM Research, Zurich Research Lab --- PGP key: PGP Fingerprint: 983C 48E7 0A78 A313 401C C4AD 3C0A 278E 6431 A149 Email only authentic if signed with PGP key. Appended to this email is an electronic signature attachment. You can ignore it if your email program does not know how to verify such a signature. If you'd like to learn more about this topic, is a good starting point.