Hi, I still have problems to make SPI work on my AT91 evaluation board. I hava nothing to the SPI output of my AT91EB55 board (sniffing with scope). I've studied the datasheet of my processor and have seen the block diagram attached to this mail. Apparently, there are switches default openned to activate SPI signals. I didn't found in code where these switches are closed, so I have tried to write directly to the memory with HAL_WRITE_UINT32 to close them but no chages appears. Furthermore, I've studied the at91 SPI driver code and I have readed this comment in the function spi_at91_transaction_begin() : /* As we are using this driver only in master mode with NPCS0 configured as GPIO instead of a peripheral pin, it is neccessary for the Mode Failure detection to be switched off as this will cause havoc with the driver */ My question is the next one : Does the driver support sending datas through SPI to external devices or not? If the answer is "yes", can I get help please? I think I initialize the SPI bus and device correctly and I'm sure that I call the correct functions because I print debug messages in the driver. If it can help, I attached my source code. Thanks for the help and excuse me for the number of messages sent!