[Please print your name here] Alexander Neundorf [For the copyright registration, what country are you a citizen of?] Germany [What year were you born?] 1977 [Please write your email address here] alexander. neundorf@jenoptik.com [Please write your address here, so we can mail a signed copy of the agreement back to you] Goschwitzer Str. 25 07745 Jena Germany [Please write a brief description of the contribution] My contribution consists of a change to Redboot, which enables eCos applications to perfom failsafe updates of firmware images with regard to power loss during the update process. This is implemented by creating a second, redundant version of the FIS table on the flash. Additionally there will be an implementation of a FIS-filesystem for use by eCos applications. This is not finished yet. I have discussed this with Andrew Lunn on the ecos-devel mailing list. [Which files have you changed so far, and which new files have you written so far?] Changed: packages/redboot/current/include/f is. h packages/redbootlcurrent/src/flash.c packages/redboot/current/cdl/redboot.cdl Planned changes, not done yet: packages/hal/common/current/srcihal_if.h packages/hal/common/current/srdhal_if.c