From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============6639160172529295207==" MIME-Version: 1.0 From: Mark Wielaard To: Subject: Re: [RFC] elfutils: Checks for debuginfo file without .debug extension as well Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 16:11:55 +0100 Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: --===============6639160172529295207== Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Ravi, On Fri, 2016-02-19 at 15:07 +0530, Ravi Bangoria wrote: > Thanks for the sample program. I can see it tries to simulate what = > systemtap do. > Here is the output on ubunut powerpc. > = > Without patch: > = > # ./dwfl_find_kernel > Finding kernel release: 3.13.0-76-generic > Debuginfo path: +:.debug:/usr/lib/debug > setup report modname: kernel, filename: /boot/vmlinux-3.13.0-76-generic > setup report modname: xfrm_user, filename: = > /lib/modules/3.13.0-76-generic/kernel/net/xfrm/xfrm_user.ko > Found kernel file: /boot/vmlinux-3.13.0-76-generic > getdwarf name: kernel > kernel without DWARF > Couldn't get kernel DWARF > > With patch: > = > # ./dwfl_find_kernel > Finding kernel release: 3.13.0-76-generic > Debuginfo path: +:.debug:/usr/lib/debug > setup report modname: kernel, filename: /boot/vmlinux-3.13.0-76-generic > setup report modname: xfrm_user, filename: = > /lib/modules/3.13.0-76-generic/kernel/net/xfrm/xfrm_user.ko > Found kernel file: /boot/vmlinux-3.13.0-76-generic > getdwarf name: kernel > mainfile: /boot/vmlinux-3.13.0-76-generic, debugfile: = > /usr/lib/debug/boot/vmlinux-3.13.0-76-generic > Found kernel DWARF file: /usr/lib/debug/boot/vmlinux-3.13.0-76-generic Thanks, that looks like what I expected. I also got access to a somewhat newer version of ubuntu ppc64le and that has an additional issue. It has the vmlinux file installed unreadable (except for root). That causes almost the same issue, but slightly differently, now no kernel at all is found... Although in that case it can be worked around be using /usr/lib/debug as base. But the main issue is exactly as you describe. > > It still doesn't show the full search path (for that we should hack > > find_debuginfo_in_path and try_open in libdwfl/find-debuginfo.c a bit), > > but it should be a start to better understand why the current search > > isn't finding the separate kernel debug file. > = > Sry, I'm little bit confused in your last two paragraphs. That is probably because I was still a little confused myself :) > 1. Does this means change I've proposed is at wrong place i.e. = > find_debuginfo Not wrong. It correctly finds the kernel. But it could be done a little more efficient I believe. With your change we do the search through all possible directories (and subdirs) twice. We could do it slightly more efficient by moving the logic into find_debuginfo_in_path itself. The issue is really that if find_debuginfo_in_path is passed in a "null" debuglink_name then it invents one (basename + .debug). But if it is "null" then that is really just one guess. We should as you indicate also try the basename itself. So that is what the attached patch does, it checks if debuglink_name is NULL and if we are checking in a debug directory (or subdirectory), but not the main file location, then we try both basename.debug and basename. That should do the same thing as your suggested patch, but makes it slightly more efficient. We try less directories/files. And if the kernel image exists we should find it earlier. Could you try out if this variant of the patch works for you? > 2. I'm not able to understand why kernel module came into picture here. = Yes sorry, that was just an artifact of my test program. setup_report_kernel gets called for all "modules" of the kernel. That includes the kernel image itself. We return 0 if we are not interested in that module, 1 if we want it and -1 to report we don't want any more. That means we see at least one kernel module. The test program prints that one out, but that is just confusing. Cheers, Mark --===============6639160172529295207== Content-Type: text/x-patch MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="find-debuginfo.patch" ZGlmZiAtLWdpdCBhL2xpYmR3ZmwvZmluZC1kZWJ1Z2luZm8uYyBiL2xpYmR3ZmwvZmluZC1kZWJ1 Z2luZm8uYwppbmRleCA3MjQ2MWJjLi44MDUxNWRiIDEwMDY0NAotLS0gYS9saWJkd2ZsL2ZpbmQt ZGVidWdpbmZvLmMKKysrIGIvbGliZHdmbC9maW5kLWRlYnVnaW5mby5jCkBAIC0xNjMsNyArMTYz LDExIEBAIGZpbmRfZGVidWdpbmZvX2luX3BhdGggKER3ZmxfTW9kdWxlICptb2QsIGNvbnN0IGNo YXIgKmZpbGVfbmFtZSwKIAogICBjb25zdCBjaGFyICpmaWxlX2Jhc2VuYW1lID0gZmlsZV9uYW1l ID09IE5VTEwgPyBOVUxMIDogYmFzZW5hbWUgKGZpbGVfbmFtZSk7CiAgIGNoYXIgKmxvY2FsbmFt ZSA9IE5VTEw7Ci0gIGlmIChkZWJ1Z2xpbmtfZmlsZSA9PSBOVUxMKQorCisgIC8qIFdlIGludmVu dCBhIGRlYnVnbGluayAuZGVidWcgbmFtZSBpZiBOVUxMLCBidXQgdGhlbiB3YW50IHRvIHRyeSB0 aGUKKyAgICAgYmFzZW5hbWUgdG9vLiAgKi8KKyAgYm9vbCBkZWJ1Z2xpbmtfbnVsbCA9IGRlYnVn bGlua19maWxlID09IE5VTEw7CisgIGlmIChkZWJ1Z2xpbmtfbnVsbCkKICAgICB7CiAgICAgICAv KiBGb3IgYSBhbHQgZGVidWcgbXVsdGkgZmlsZSB3ZSBuZWVkIGEgbmFtZSwgZm9yIGEgc2VwYXJh dGUgZGVidWcKIAkgbmFtZSB3ZSBtYXkgYmUgYWJsZSB0byBmYWxsIGJhY2sgb24gZmlsZV9iYXNl bmFtZS5kZWJ1Zy4gICovCkBAIC0yMzEsNiArMjM1LDEwIEBAIGZpbmRfZGVidWdpbmZvX2luX3Bh dGggKER3ZmxfTW9kdWxlICptb2QsIGNvbnN0IGNoYXIgKmZpbGVfbmFtZSwKIAljaGVjayA9ICpw KysgPT0gJysnOwogICAgICAgY2hlY2sgPSBjaGVjayAmJiBjYW5jaGVjazsKIAorICAgICAgLyog VHJ5IHRoZSBiYXNlbmFtZSB0b28sIGlmIHdlIG1hZGUgdXAgdGhlIGRlYnVnbGluayBuYW1lIGFu ZCB0aGlzCisJIGlzIG5vdCB0aGUgbWFpbiBkaXJlY3RvcnkuICAqLworICAgICAgYm9vbCB0cnlf ZmlsZV9iYXNlbmFtZTsKKwogICAgICAgY29uc3QgY2hhciAqZGlyLCAqc3ViZGlyLCAqZmlsZTsK ICAgICAgIHN3aXRjaCAocFswXSkKIAl7CkBAIC0yMzksNiArMjQ3LDcgQEAgZmluZF9kZWJ1Z2lu Zm9faW5fcGF0aCAoRHdmbF9Nb2R1bGUgKm1vZCwgY29uc3QgY2hhciAqZmlsZV9uYW1lLAogCSAg ZGlyID0gZmlsZV9kaXJuYW1lOwogCSAgc3ViZGlyID0gTlVMTDsKIAkgIGZpbGUgPSBkZWJ1Z2xp bmtfZmlsZTsKKwkgIHRyeV9maWxlX2Jhc2VuYW1lID0gZmFsc2U7CiAJICBicmVhazsKIAljYXNl ICcvJzoKIAkgIC8qIEFuIGFic29sdXRlIHBhdGggc2F5cyB0byBsb29rIHRoZXJlIGZvciBhIHN1 YmRpcmVjdG9yeQpAQCAtMjY4LDYgKzI3Nyw3IEBAIGZpbmRfZGVidWdpbmZvX2luX3BhdGggKER3 ZmxfTW9kdWxlICptb2QsIGNvbnN0IGNoYXIgKmZpbGVfbmFtZSwKIAkgICAgICBzdWJkaXIgPSBO VUxMOwogCSAgICAgIGZpbGUgPSBiYXNlbmFtZSAoZGVidWdsaW5rX2ZpbGUpOwogCSAgICB9CisJ ICB0cnlfZmlsZV9iYXNlbmFtZSA9IGRlYnVnbGlua19udWxsOwogCSAgYnJlYWs7CiAJZGVmYXVs dDoKIAkgIC8qIEEgcmVsYXRpdmUgcGF0aCBzYXlzIHRvIHRyeSBhIHN1YmRpcmVjdG9yeSBvZiB0 aGF0IG5hbWUKQEAgLTI3NSwxMSArMjg1LDE0IEBAIGZpbmRfZGVidWdpbmZvX2luX3BhdGggKER3 ZmxfTW9kdWxlICptb2QsIGNvbnN0IGNoYXIgKmZpbGVfbmFtZSwKIAkgIGRpciA9IGZpbGVfZGly bmFtZTsKIAkgIHN1YmRpciA9IHA7CiAJICBmaWxlID0gZGVidWdsaW5rX2ZpbGU7CisJICB0cnlf ZmlsZV9iYXNlbmFtZSA9IGRlYnVnbGlua19udWxsOwogCSAgYnJlYWs7CiAJfQogCiAgICAgICBj aGFyICpmbmFtZSA9IE5VTEw7CiAgICAgICBpbnQgZmQgPSB0cnlfb3BlbiAoJm1haW5fc3RhdCwg ZGlyLCBzdWJkaXIsIGZpbGUsICZmbmFtZSk7CisgICAgICBpZiAoZmQgPCAwICYmIHRyeV9maWxl X2Jhc2VuYW1lKQorCWZkID0gdHJ5X29wZW4gKCZtYWluX3N0YXQsIGRpciwgc3ViZGlyLCBmaWxl X2Jhc2VuYW1lLCAmZm5hbWUpOwogICAgICAgaWYgKGZkIDwgMCkKIAlzd2l0Y2ggKGVycm5vKQog CSAgewo= --===============6639160172529295207==--