From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============6275784363037466982==" MIME-Version: 1.0 From: Mike Frysinger To: Subject: Re: Getting rid of portable branch (Was: [PATCH 3/6] Fall back on utimes if futimes is not available) Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 22:08:14 -0400 Message-ID: <20150508020814.GG30924@vapier> In-Reply-To: --===============6275784363037466982== Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On 06 May 2015 13:37, Mark Wielaard wrote: > On Wed, 2015-05-06 at 07:22 -0400, Frank Ch. Eigler wrote: > > > I would like to get rid of the portable branch. [...] = > > = > > What is the argument against getting rid of the portable branch by > > merging it into master? > = > It contains hacks that we don't want to have on master because they > either just conflict with current standards/implementations (like using > %a in scanf instead of %m), inefficient (busy looping to detect process > state changes, because of buggy kernels), have conditional code paths > (which are a pain to maintain/keep working and obscure the code) or have > workarounds that are subtly wrong (like in this case where switching > back to path based file manipulation after already having opened and > checked a file descriptor might open up possible security issues because > of Time-of-check Time-of-use race conditions). > = > If there are specific hacks you would like to see brought over from the > portable branch to master, please do propose and we can discuss them. > But I really think none of them are needed or should be used these days. there's still the issue of --disable-werror -mike --===============6275784363037466982== Content-Type: application/pgp-signature MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc" LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0KVmVyc2lvbjogR251UEcgdjIKCmlRSWNCQUVC Q0FBR0JRSlZUQnFOQUFvSkVFRmpPNS9vTi9XQmVrd1FBSnZVNFpveWFmbW9xZEJmK1prd2UwcGIK eWxTMUJ6cktGWWFKZ09walREeHNuTGV1N2JrbXZucjNhdWlKNEZiSVEycTE4REFRLzdWM1VDandJ bjFkeGYzMQpUWXUwdnBtZEhuakRqNE1OaTU3NUtCbDN0a0VWTmRzSjZrcnBqUzRWdnJaVzBLMXRM bm9yclY4enNTc2tvVVRhClBlMlh4Mjc2aE9ZY2RjR1h0Q0N1ZEo0azdieWhjVXRaa2pibVU2RlB2 UlNrSHdsZVd4OVZGaFltKzhrT3o4MHoKeGpHL2o4Y0lNVGxFY3YvVm9rOGJVY3RiSG5zZTdCY09z WEZYMjZFaW81MmNXZlFncGJwZTY3ay8wbFMvQTZMQwp4ZEtMVWgzL056QnQzMXM5dW1lQXhSakdS U0orbEJJL2grSzg0WTd6L3crNkQwTVpoOGZXVWd1L21ZMU5sWmE4Ckg4UEVkdWdHN1R4ZFR5alJ0 amhpZXFUYmYwT1hEbmorRm5hSEI4dm1MNm84bnI4cVRmQzBUdVlucmJWSEU2bHQKdU1FNFdGL0dP VTlsN1FTb2FnWHJqaDU3Qnpjek5FZE95Qzl0SFJTYkUwUDdOS21LL2lNUCt3RDV3ejMySTBEUwo3 TEZya0U5YTFxVlAvK01ObkFiV0pnVCtZK0ZpK2RZYkZZWTJCUFlGaUVyVTI3TFVRMW9HMkdPeklB c0g0Z1JECmJSaU0reGJpSDFjeTVMRytMMW1kaXF4bW5leTZzT1V4K0toL0JvcU9wcXFjT29Obno3 cEdrbGV0Y3JhSzRYdXkKZWEvOFJzcVFTSnVBVnBaaFhLTDZGUFRWVE1RbzNUQTl1Z2pvdDVzT1Mv M2tSVEFPWjRmNUNCZUhMVnBNaVIwUgpyeUhtSmZleDNQZmVBOFE4K0lkUQo9UitRaAotLS0tLUVO RCBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0K --===============6275784363037466982==--