From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============2082427381378777350==" MIME-Version: 1.0 From: Mike Frysinger To: Subject: Re: Getting rid of portable branch (Was: [PATCH 3/6] Fall back on utimes if futimes is not available) Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 12:09:50 -0400 Message-ID: <20150513160950.GH22975@vapier> In-Reply-To: --===============2082427381378777350== Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On 13 May 2015 16:18, Mark Wielaard wrote: > On Thu, 2015-05-07 at 22:08 -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote: > > > If there are specific hacks you would like to see brought over from t= he > > > portable branch to master, please do propose and we can discuss them. > > > But I really think none of them are needed or should be used these da= ys. > > = > > there's still the issue of --disable-werror > = > I believe we discussed before, but could you remind me why it is > necessary for newer GCC versions? > = > If there are any warnings that are turned into errors we should really > just fix them. Do you have any specific examples? > = > What does the configure option add over just using CFLAGS=3D-Wno-error? because you guys (reasonably) cannot test every gcc/C library version/flags= /arch = combination. focusing on newer versions makes sense, but not all distros a= re = always running the latest. i also agree that having it default to on is ok= and = some distros which have tight control over everything (like fedora) will se= t it = to on. but i think that should be left to the distro to control. in pract= ice, = we already are either by `sed` or patching in the werror configure flag. keep in mind that not all warnings are even correct -- gcc has false positi= ves = from time to time. trying to track how to squelch those across multiple gc= c = versions is a waste of time. i don't have specific examples readily available ... we noticed in Gentoo w= hen = users report via irc (which has no logs). i know some more extensive flags= like = lto and inline can often trigger unresolvable warnings about functions not = being = inlined. -mike --===============2082427381378777350== Content-Type: application/pgp-signature MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc" LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0KVmVyc2lvbjogR251UEcgdjIKCmlRSWNCQUVC Q0FBR0JRSlZVM2RPQUFvSkVFRmpPNS9vTi9XQnVQNFAvMVlzY1hWeTY5ZXpIT3dvdVJBTzVXSFUK cXQwUDY4K2laR203L3lIWHlOd3MxV3pnbjdCRVd4Y1lxMUUwK3JxN1JYQ0QvZ0NNVnBGcnlYc3BN UEtiTUpVRQpnUFhnbVZHOFRSWCs1WmdYTC9WSlpBelA3RWJjcDJYSWtkcE96ZEJDL0kreFp0MDVr dU1YSkM0WXpBekFmaTc2CjdlM2s2R3ZwaXhQcmxGS01EWmxZOTlwNk9kWEF3K1Y2WFdXY00zOFFO Z1lpdjdISTlsa25XM1FZR2QzK0IvVEoKL1lZWEtkOXVRN1U0WlltVG5GQlBrK29yYytSQlVjMldl KzY0RXVhbkNodEJzRG01SzNQOTJqZVlIOWNTS2JBTAprMFpaTnFoVWpnY3d3SGlsbDRDZnl2bzV0 eHNjbFN5cWRBOSszbGEvcGpmdVpTS0VjbG5LeWNtL2Fyc0s4RXNoCjF0bkRXRUdhNW1MckgybHBF Q0tTQXFUV1c4VlhDb01xa3BEb2o5RnZPTkljdVpTa2N3RGpSYms5SEk1Z2xCMC8KdkV5ZTNnSTRZ RjJYd2tGNDV3TS9Rbzc4d3VDMEFuRXduTy9tWmxlZXVJTXFrMGJMa0xCYTlnQWJzMy8rL2hsSQpD SHd0NEhaRkN3aGdWb3FZcXFmWEptS1dnMHNKQm1weHdobkNmZkE2Ymd6ZDdSUFh5WDZTeGFkS05X eUhPTndWClI4cEdpd1FRN0tyeGpieUxmb0ttMmN6dnpOVVF3NGZ4ditHRzNFdGp3U2xhSDkweEov dDZXUWNXR3hYT3V3OVgKWmRzVWlhUGVSWTlQdE9GK0NyaGhwRExxamlaZ1ZBZkNHcXJySXJrRzJz c3FlWExaUEM2MThya1NxajlDTGZ0TwpmN1lob3F4ZlZCTTkyNGJEczRBZwo9NjRReQotLS0tLUVO RCBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0K --===============2082427381378777350==--