Hey all, one more debuginfod question: Would it be possible to extend the API to allow downloading of multiple debug info files in parallel? The `debuginfod_find_*` API currently only supports looking at multiple server urls in parallel. I would like to ask multiple files in parallel. The use case would be profiling tools like the ones I'm working on (perfparser, heaptrack, ...). There, you usually have a list of libraries that you know you'll hit sooner or later. Thus it would be more efficient to start downloading all debug information files in parallel directly. At least compared to the current status quo with dwfl where we would iteratively find individual debug information files, each time blocking the process. Parallel downloads from a single server would definitely increase the load there though, when done naively. Have you thought about adding support for something like HTTP/3's ability to download mutiple assets over a single connection (maybe even in parallel)? Thanks -- Milian Wolff mail@milianw.de http://milianw.de