Hi all, First, I'm not super familiar with DWARF, and perhaps this is a bug in the DWARF information emitted by Clang (3.4). It's definitely a difference between GCC and Clang DWARF output. I've been fiddling with a pahole-alike tool[0] that sits directly on elfutils (as opposed to libdwarves, which hasn't been updated for some time and doesn't handle some of the tags Clang emits). I've observed that dwarf_aggregate_size() doesn't seem to like types that are pointers or arrays of pointers[1]. I've compiled a small example program, repro, and output[2]: http://pastie.org/9610702 dwarf_aggregate_size() has no trouble with most member types, or even pointer types on the output from GCC. However, it returns an error on Clang's output. Perhaps Clang is just eliding pointer size information, assuming consumers will consult the Elf machine class and infer? Am I missing something? Is this a Clang bug or an elfutils bug? Thanks much, Conrad [0]: https://github.com/cemeyer/structhole/ [1]: https://github.com/cemeyer/structhole/issues/1 [2]: http://pastie.org/9610702