! { dg-do run } ! ! Tests fixes for various pr87477 dependencies ! ! Contributed by Gerhard Steinmetz except for pr102106: ! which was contributed by Brad Richardson ! program associate_60 implicit none character(20) :: buffer call pr102106 call pr100948 call pr85686 call pr88247 call pr91941 call pr92779 call pr93339 call pr93813 contains subroutine pr102106 type :: sub_class_t integer :: i end type type :: with_polymorphic_component_t class(sub_class_t), allocatable :: sub_obj_ end type associate(obj => with_polymorphic_component_t(sub_class_t(42))) if (obj%sub_obj_%i .ne. 42) stop 1 end associate end subroutine pr100948 type t character(:), allocatable :: c(:) end type type(t), allocatable :: x ! ! Valid test in comment 1 ! x = t(['ab','cd']) associate (y => x%c(:)) if (any (y .ne. x%c)) stop 2 if (any (y .ne. ['ab','cd'])) stop 3 end associate deallocate (x) ! ! Allocation with source was found to only copy over one of the array elements ! allocate (x, source = t(['ef','gh'])) associate (y => x%c(:)) if (any (y .ne. x%c)) stop 4 if (any (y .ne. ['ef','gh'])) stop 5 end associate deallocate (x) end subroutine pr85686 call s85686([" g'day "," bye!! "]) if (trim (buffer) .ne. " a g'day a bye!!") stop 6 end subroutine s85686(x) character(*) :: x(:) associate (y => 'a'//x) write (buffer, *) y ! Used to segfault at the write statement. end associate end subroutine pr88247 type t character(:), dimension(:), allocatable :: d end type t type(t), allocatable :: x character(5) :: buffer(3) allocate (x, source = t (['ab','cd'])) ! Didn't work write(buffer(1), *) x%d(2:1:-1) ! Was found to be broken write(buffer(2), *) [x%d(2:1:-1)] ! Was OK associate (y => [x%d(2:1:-1)]) write(buffer(3), *) y ! Bug in comment 7 end associate if (any (buffer .ne. " cdab")) stop 7 end subroutine pr91941 character(:), allocatable :: x(:), z(:) x = [' abc', ' xyz'] z = adjustl(x) associate (y => adjustl(x)) ! Wrong character length was passed if (any(y .ne. ['abc ', 'xyz '])) stop 8 end associate end subroutine pr92779 character(3) :: a = 'abc' associate (y => spread(trim(a),1,2) // 'd') if (any (y .ne. ['abcd','abcd'])) stop 9 end associate end subroutine pr93339 type t character(:), allocatable :: a(:) end type type(t) :: x x = t(["abc "]) ! Didn't assign anything ! allocate (x%a(1), source = 'abc') ! Worked OK associate (y => x%a) if (any (y .ne. 'abc ')) stop 10 associate (z => x%a) if (any (y .ne. z)) stop 11 end associate end associate end subroutine pr93813 type t end type type, extends(t) :: t2 end type class(t), allocatable :: x integer :: i = 0 associate (y => (x)) ! The parentheses triggered an ICE in select type select type (y) type is (t2) stop 12 type is (t) i = 42 class default stop 13 end select end associate if (i .ne. 42) stop 14 end end